the Vu ≤3A cv fc' = A cv (164psi) term is satisfied. Therefore, no boundary zones will be required in
any wall segment if Mu/Vulw ≤3.0 is satisfied.
Pier 1 M/Vl = 12.8/4.27(8) = 0.37 <3.0 (No boundary zones required)
Pier 2 M/Vl = 4.1/1.36(4) = 0.75 <3.0 (No boundary zones required)
Shear wall line 1
Shear wall line 1 resists forces tributary to the entrance only. The wall line consists of two pier elements
which each resist of the total loads.
Vwall 1 = 4.3 kips
Veach pier = (4.3) = 2.2 k (9.79 KN)
M = Vl / 2 = (2.2)(12' / 2 = 13.2kft (17.90 KNm)
Shear strength of pier = (72")(8")(174) = 100 k (445 KN) > 2.2 k (9.79 KN), OK
Check need for boundary zones;
M/Vl = 13.2/2.2(6) =1.0 < 3.0 (No boundary zones required)
Shear wall line 2 (Between grid lines B & H)
Shear wall line 2 resists shear forces from the upper roof, lower sloped areas and entrance diaphragms.
Vupper = 7.9k (35.1 KN)
Vlow sloped roof = 21.91k (97.5 KN)
Ventrance = .81k (3.6 KN)
Vtorsion = 1 k (4.448 KN) (= 30% of longitudinal torsion force for 100% trans + 30% longit. load
1 kip = 4.448 KN
1 kipft = 1.356 KNm
1 foot = 0.305m