The self-weight inertial effects of the shear walls due to the weight tributary to the upper sloped roof must
now be added to the shears determined for shear wall lines 2, 7 and 8.
Weight of wall line 2 tributary to the upper roof = 80 kips
Self-weight inertial force = CsW = (0.167)(80) = 13.4 kips
Total shear to wall line 2 tributary to upper roof diaphragm = (2.4 k) + (13.4 k) = 15.8 k (70.3 KN)
Weight of wall line 7 tributary to the upper roof = (6.6) + (6.6) = 13.2 k (58.7 KN)
Self-weight inertial force = CsW = (0.167)(13.2) = 2.2 k (9.8 KN)
Total shear to wall line 7 tributary to upper roof diaphragm = (3.83 k) + (2.2 k) = 6.03 k (26.8 KN)
Weight of wall line 8 tributary to the upper roof = 65 k
Self-weight inertial force = CW = (0.167)(65 k) = 10.9 k
Total shear to wall line 8 tributary to upper roof diaphragm = (1.43 k) + (10.9 k) = 12.3 k (54.7 KN)
1 kip = 4.448 KN
1 foot = 0.305m
Longitudinal Direction: Seismic forces tributary to the upper roof in the longitudinal direction are resisted
by the concrete shear walls based on tributary areas. Shear wall lines B2-B7 & H2-H7 each resist of the
shear from the upper roof between lines 2 and 7. Shear wall lines C7-C8 and G7-G8 each resist of the
shear from the upper roof between lines 7 and 8. The shear force associated with normal wall line 8 is
assumed to be resisted by shear wall lines C and G, while the shear force associated with normal wall line
7 is assumed to be resisted by shear wall lines B & H. It is assumed that the diaphragm acts as a simply
supported beam element between the shear walls.