TM 5-830-3/AFM 88-17, Chap. 3
by propeller or jet air-craft, and shoulders, hover lanes,
soil moisture content, soil density, presence of salts or
and peripheral areas of heliports and helipads.
organic matter in the soil, smoothness of the ground
d. Dust Palliative. A material applied to a soil
surface, vegetative cover, wind velocity and direction,
and humidity. Depending on these factors an external
surface to prevent soil particles from becoming airborne.
force imposed on a ground surface will generate
The user should note that many of the references listed
volumes of dust of varying density, size, and height
use the following additional terms to indicate a dust
above ground which are referred to as dust clouds.
control material: palliative, dustproofer, spray or soil
Figure 1-1 shows three typical dust clouds. Dust clouds
stabilizer, soil waterproofer, dust control agent, and dust
may be generated by drafts of moving air from
e. Prewet. A light initial sprinkling of water on a
windstorms, aircraft engines, or ground vehicles which
not only produce drafts of moving air but also abrade the
soil surface prior to applying a liquid surface penetrant
soil surface.
Pertinent Areas. Soil areas that require a
specific dust palliative.
1-5. Environmental factors
The selection and use of adjust control method and a
dust palliative should consider applicable safety, health,
The presence of dust-size particles in a soil does not
and environmental requirements. Material compliance
necessarily indicate a dust problem or severity of the
with existing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
dust problem that will result in various situations. Some
rules and regulations should be required for all
of the factors that contribute to the formation, severity,
peacetime applications.
and endurance of dust include soil texture and structure,