TM 5-830-3/AFM 88-17, Chap. 3
shelter belts, and rough-tillage. It includes such items as
3-1. General
seeding, sprigging, sodding, topsoiling, fertilizing,
This chapter describes several types of dust palliatives
mulching, and disking. Agronomic methods are not
that are commercially available; special care that must
normally prescribed for traffic areas.
be used with a dust palliative; type of traffic areas where
b. Occasionally large areas are cleared for
a dust palliative is applicable; and references as to where
proposed projects, stripping the project area of the native
more details on the proper use and application of the
grass and all topsoil. The extent of stripping should be
dust palliative can be obtained. Each dust control
kept to a minimum and the stripped topsoil with
method should be considered in relation to the specific
vegetative residue stock-piled for later placement around
job requirements.
The four general dust control
the completed structure(s) and/or use on other denuded
treatment methods commonly used are:
(1) Vegetative cover. Vegetative cover is
-Surface penetrant.
often considered the most satisfactory form of dust
palliative based on aesthetic aspects, durability, cost,
-Surface blanket.
and maintenance. Indeed this is the preferred method
The surface penetrant and surface blanket methods are
wherever it can be economically established and
the easiest to apply. Application of either method
maintained. Areas of application are best limited to
requires a material placement procedure (i.e., spreading
nontraffic areas. Where vegetative cover is to be
aggregate or membrane over the area) or a material
ultimately established, any dust palliative used for
spraying procedure. One of these two methods will
immediate surface protection should be selected with a
probably suffice for the majority of dust control cases.
view of minimizing impairment to subsequent plant
The other two methods are much more involved and
growth. While dense vegetation is certainly the most
require more time and equipment to implement., The
effective cover, more sparse native vegetation typical of
agronomic method requires a knowledge of the
semiarid and arid regions can be a fully effective dust
indigenous vegetation and access to farm type
palliative under natural wind conditions so long as it is
equipment. The admix method requires standard road
not damaged by traffic or other causes.
building techniques using construction equipment.
(2) Mulch.
A well-anchored mulch of
Application may require specific handling, equipment,
vegetative material .can be used to stabilize soil against
and procedures. The manufacturer's precautions should
wind and water erosion. Mulch refers to any substance,
be adhered to with the use of personnel protective
such as straw, hay, paper, or brushwood, that is spread
equipment (masks, safety glasses, gloves, etc.) as
over the ground surface to protect it from the wind.
Vegetative mulches are normally effective for 1 year and
can be applied during any season. Mulches are normally
3-2. Agronomic methods
spread by either a beater or blower type, spreader. The
a. This method consists of establishing or
blower type has the advantage in that it is
extending and preserving vegetative cover, mulch,