TM 5-830-3/AFM 88-17, Chap. 3
areas, excluding walkways and roadways.
2-1. General
-Unimproved grounds.
A wide selection of dust palliatives for dust control is
-Areas experiencing windborne sand (see app B).
available to the engineer; however, no one material can
b. Occasional traffic areas. Besides resisting
be singled out as being the most acceptable for all
helicopter rotor downwash, aircraft propwash, and
situations. The successful control of dust and erosion in
airblast from jet engines, these areas also are subjected
an area depend on several factors, the most important of
to occasional traffic by vehicles, aircraft, or personnel.
which are:
Treatment for jet airblast is more involved than that
-Intensity of area use.
required for CH-47 helicopter downwash and C-130
aircraft propwash; however, treatment for either will be
-Soil type.
adequate to support occasional, non-channelized,
-Soil surface feature(s).
vehicular traffic. If traffic conditions change and multiple
passes or repeated crossings along the same path
occur, the treated area may be damaged and repairs
2-2. Intensity of area use
required. Typical occasional traffic areas include:
(expected traffic)
-Shoulders and overruns of airfields.
The areas requiring treatment should be divided
-Shoulders, hover lanes, and peripheral areas of
according to the. amount of traffic expected: those with
heliports and helipads.
no traffic, with occasional traffic, and with channelized
-Areas mentioned in 2-2a where occasional traffic
traffic (i.e., roadway or taxiway). Where the extent of
becomes necessary.
traffic can be predicted or regulated, significant savings
c. Traffic areas. These areas require treatment
in time and material(s) may be realized by adjusting the
to withstand regular channelized traffic by vehicles,
type and amount of treatment an area receives
aircraft, or personnel.
Areas properly treated to
according to use.
withstand regular channelized traffic should easily
a. Nontraffic areas.
These areas require
withstand airblasts from aircraft and helicraft. Typical
treatment to withstand the effects of airblast due to wind
traffic areas include:
or nearby aircraft operations and are not subjected to
-Roadways and vehicle parking areas.
actual traffic of any kind. If traffic is applied, the treated
area may be damaged and repairs required. Typical
-Open storage areas.
nontraffic areas include:
-Construction sites.
-Graded construction areas.'
--Runways, taxiways, shoulders.
-Denuded areas around the periphery of completed
construction projects.
*The method(s) and dust palliatives recommended
-Areas .bordering airfield or heliport complexes.
for occasional traffic (table 4-2) are known to be effective
-Protective petroleum, oil and lubricant (PQL) dikes.
for ground surface airblast and temperature of 80 mph
and 120F respectively.
-Bunkers and revetments.
-Cantonment, warehouse, storage, and housing