UFC 3-260-11FA
25 May 2005
inch minimum to permit side binding and head-to-head printing. Bottom
margins shall be 1.25 inches, with page numbers centered 1 inch from
the bottom.
1.7.2 Design Analysis Preparation
The Government will furnish the conceptual design analysis which,
together with the RFP drawings and specifications, define the project.
The Contractor shall supplement the furnished conceptual design
analysis with additional design data for each review submittal.
Appendix 01018-A of this Section is a general outline to be used as a
guide by the Contractor for design analysis updates. The outline should
be expanded as required to provide a complete record of the design
process. The complete design analysis presented for final review with
the final drawings and specifications shall carry the designation
"FINAL DESIGN ANALYSIS" on the title page.
1.7.3 Design Calculations
voluminous, bind them separately from the narrative part of the design
analysis. Present the design calculations in a clean and legible form,
incorporating a title page and index for each volume. Provide each page
with a number centered one (1) inch from the bottom. Furnish a table of
contents, which shall be an index of the indices, when there is more
supplementary sketches, graphs, formulas, and references. Explain all
assumptions and conclusions. Calculation sheets shall carry the names
or initials of the designer and the checker and the dates of
calculations and checking. No portion of the calculations shall be
computed and checked by the same person.
1.7.4 Computerized Design Analysis
used and copies of the input data and output summaries. When the
computer output is large, it may be divided into volumes at logical
division points. Precede each set of computer printouts by an index and
by a description of the computation performed. If several sets of
computations are submitted, a general table of contents in addition to
the individual indices shall accompany them. The description that must
accompany each set of printouts shall include the following:
Explain the design method, including assumptions, theories, and
Include applicable diagrams, adequately identified.
State exactly (specific equations and formulas) the computation
performed by the computer.
Provide all necessary explanations
format, symbols, and abbreviations.
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