TM 5-822-2/AFM 88-7, Chap. 5
since sufficient data are rarely available to determine this
for walks at a particular shopping center is 1,700
value, a design pedestrian traffic volume (pedestrians
pedestrians per hour, the width for these walks would be
per hour) must be estimated on the basis of available
determined as follows:
data, engineering judgment, and pedestrian traffic at
existing similar installations.
d. Width. The minimum width for walks at military
installations will be 3 feet for single family residences and
at Air Force bases and stations for low volume traffic.
Walks will normally be in increments of 2 feet (width of
pedestrian traffic lane) as required to accommodate the
anticipated volume of pedestrian traffic. An extra foot of
width should be added to walks adjacent to curbs or
where obstacles encroach on the walk. Width of walks
will be determined on the basis of the capacities
Walks in this shopping center would be 8 feet wide
(pedestrians per hour) shown in table 3-4. For instance,
(nearest even-foot width).
Table 3-4. Width of walks
e. Grade. The grade of walks should follow the
great. Steps should be grouped together, rather than
spaced as individual steps, and located so that the will
natural grade of the ground as nearly as possible. The
be lighted by adjacent street or night lights.
transverse grade will not be less than inch per foot or
Requirements for steps are given in the DOD
more than inch per foot. The longitudinal grade
Construction Criteria Manual.
should not be greater than about 15 percent. Steps
f. Location. It is desirable in the interest of
should be avoided if possible but will be used where the
maximum longitudinal slope would otherwise be too