TM 5-822-2/AFM 88-7, Chap. 5
mum width of 10 feet and shall flare out at the entrance.
shall be obtained from appropriate Engineering
Minimum flare will be a 5-foot-radius curve connecting
Commands prior to construction of bridges, particularly
the line of the street curb-face and the driveway edge
major bridges over navigable waterways.
a. Widths.
For roadway, shoulder, curb, and
beyond the flare. Other flare configurations may be
used, but the paved area represented by the minimum
sidewalk requirements, see AASHTO A Policy on
requirements indicated above must be provided.
Geometric Design of Highways and Streets and
Curving driveways will require greater widths depending
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges.
b. Railings. See AASHTO Standard Specifications
on the degree of curvature; driveways off narrow streets
or alleys or those not perpendicular to the street will
for Highway Bridges. Use open-type railings over all
require greater entrance widths depending on the
water courses where the possibility of flooding exists.
sharpness of turn required of entering vehicles.
c. Lighting. For type, intensities, etc., see AFM 88-
Maximum crown or cross-slope shall be 5 percent and
15. For distance of lighting standards from roadway, see
minimum 1 percent.
AASHTO A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways
and Streets.
Bridges and underpass roadways. Approval