TM 5-822-2/AFM 88-7, Chap. 5
Figure 3-5. Types of vertical curves.
(1) Roads.
shows the preferable superelevated cross sections for
(a) Normal-crown section. The typical
roads at military installations. The low side of this cross
section is similar to a normal-crown section except that
road-type, normal-crown cross section shown in figure 3-
the shoulder slope on the low side of the section is the
6 comprises the so-called "streamlined" cross section.
same as the pavement superelevation, except where
Shoulder edges, channel bottoms, and the intersection of
normal slope is greater.
On the high side of a
side slopes with original ground are rounded for
superelevated section the algebraic difference in cross
simplification of maintenance and appearance. On
slopes at the pavement edge should not exceed about
roads in open areas rounding of shoulder edges will be
0.07. The parabolic curve between the shoulder and the
restricted to a strip 3 to 4 feet wide at the intersection of
front slope of the side ditch should be at least 4 feet long,
slopes steeper than 2 /2:1, and only slight rounding will
at least the
be used at intersections of slopes flatter than 2'/2:1.
(b) Superelevated section. Figure 3-6