TM 5-822-2/AFM 88-7, Chap. 5
safety to separate walk from curb line with a turfed area
back of the ditch line or behind guideposts or guardrails.
at least 5 feet wide as indicated by "G" in figure 3-7. In
Where there is no ditch or fill of any consequence, the
some instances, it may be necessary to place the walks
maximum area available should be allowed between the
adjacent to the curb to accommodate pedestrians in
walk and the outside edge of the shoulder.
g. Warrant for walks adjacent to roads in open
areas where curb parking is permitted or where material
areas. The following tabulation can be used as a guide
is loaded or unloaded at the curb. Walks should be
located between and around the various facilities as
in determining the need for sidewalks adjacent to roads
required. Walks adjacent to roads should be located
in open areas.
Pedestrian and Vehicle Volumes for Which the Construction of Sidewalks Might Be Considered
Pedestrians per day Suggested for Construction of Sidewalks
Vehicular Traffic, DHV
When Design Speed, mph, is
30 to 50
60 and 70
Sidewalks, one side:
30 to 100
More than 100
Sidewalks, both sides:*
50 to 100
More than 100
*Lesser pedestrian traffic may justify two sidewalks to avoid considerable amount of cross traffic.
individual units of equipment. Maximum parking capacity
Open storage areas and parking.
can be obtained by requiring assigned vehicles to park
a. General. This section deals with geometric d,-
as specified in (1) above for parking areas. The size of
sign criteria for parking lots, motor pools, organizational
the service area is dependent upon the type and number
motor parks, material storage areas, utility yards, and
of service facilities required.
miscellaneous repair yards.
(3) Material storage areas. Suitable areas for
b. Location. General location and arrangement of
the reception, classification, handling, and storage of
open storage areas are shown for several types of Army
materials which can be placed in the open at little or no
installations in TM 5-840-2,TM 5-848-3, and TM 5-850-1.
risk of damage from exposure to weather will be required
c. Space allowances. Space allowances for Army
at nearly all types of military installations. Material
open storage areas are given in TM 5-803-1 and TM 5-
storage areas are provided at storage depots and at
850-1. Space allowances for nonorganizational parking
plant projects in accordance with authorized
are given in DOD 4270.1M and AFM 86-2.
requirements. Typical layout diagrams showing relation
d. Standard drawings. Typical layout diagrams for
between material storage areas and other facilities at
various types of open storage areas required at Army
Army installations are included in TM 5--840-2, TM 5-
and Air Force installations are shown in AFM 86-6, TM 5-
848-3, and TM 5-850-1.
403-1, TM 5-840 2, TM 5-848-3, and TM 5-850-1.
(4) Utility and miscellaneous repair yards.
e. General requirements.
The size and shape of these areas may vary
(1) Nonorganizational parking areas. Criteria
considerably, and no general requirements for these
on these areas are included in DOD 4270.1M. For Air
areas are available. The size and shape should be
Force requirements, see AFM 86-2.
based on actual needs and should be the minimum in
(2) Organizational motor parks. These areas
cost consistent with functional requirements and
include all areas provided for storage, service, and repair
anticipated life expectancy.
of organizational and functional equipment assigned to
the post or attached tactical units. The functional uses of
Residence drive. Driveways at residences shall
these areas require that they be divided into areas for
extend from the street or alley pavement, or curb line to
servicing and repair, and areas for storage or parking of
the garage, carport, or parking space. Driveways shall
vehicles. The former include all grease, wash, and
have a mini-
inspection racks; fuel dispensing units; and similar
miscellaneous facilities; as well as access drives to the
various service facilities and the necessary outside wash
areas. The storage area is used for parking or storing