UFC 3-240-13FN
25 May 2005
c) Outsource Proprietary Chemicals and Some Basic Periodic Services.
Proprietary water treatment chemicals, control and feed equipment, and
periodic services are outsourced from a qualified water treatment
contractor. Facility operations provide daily services for chemical feed and
control, and monitoring and performance assessment.
d) Complete Outsourcing. All chemicals and services are outsourced to a
contractor. The facility provides only maintenance of operating equipment
(no water-treatment-related services).
Generic Chemical Water Treatment Programs. Generic chemical water
treatment programs have been implemented at military installations. The advantage of
using this type of program is the cost savings generated by the use of generic
chemicals relative to formulated products obtained from water treatment service
companies. Generic chemicals are identified in Chapters 3 through 5. Generic chemical
programs can be successful, but adequate planning and resources (including technical
expertise) must be devoted to the implementation of the program. Generic chemicals
and specifications are listed in Appendix F.
Outsourcing Chemicals and Services. The General Services
Administration (GSA) has developed standardized procedures and contracting
arrangements for the outsourcing of: procurement of proprietary chemicals;
procurement of proprietary chemicals with some periodic services; and procurement of
total program services. The standard contracts have been designed to develop the most
favorable pricing of water services received from contractors. GSA-listed proprietary
products should not be purchased solely on a "price-per-pound" or "price-per-volume-of-
product" basis. For purchases above 00, make a "best value" determination after
reviewing schedule price lists from at least 3 vendors. The "best value" determination
must consider the price of products and the quality of services included with the
products. It is usually necessary to obtain proposals from water treatment service
companies and consider the details of the services to be provided as proposed, and the
"cost per 3785 liters (1000 gallons) of makeup." Proprietary products cost 5 to 20 times
more than generic chemicals. These contracts only apply to GSA-listed products. Not all
products on these GSA lists may be appropriate or approved for use in military industrial
water systems. The contract-specified service requirements that are to be included with
the GSA-listed products must be well defined; if not, a poorly monitored and poorly
implemented program may result.
Contracts Based on Cost Per Unit of Water. A practical approach for
obtaining cost-effective water treatment can be developed based on the bid price to
treat a unit of water (e.g., 3785 liters [1000 gallons] of water). Optimally, the contract
scope of work will specify minimally acceptable performance standards as well as
service requirements to be met by the contractor. Service requirements can vary from
periodic consulting service to complete outsourcing.
TREATMENT. This paragraph applies only to paragraph 10-2.1.3. A SOW (sometimes