UFC 3-240-13FN
25 May 2005
mpy -- Mils per year
MSDS -- Material safety data sheet
MTW -- Medium-temperature water
N -- Normality
NACE -- National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NaCl -- Sodium chloride
NAVFAC -- Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NAVFACINST -- Naval Facilities Instruction
NAVSEASYSCOM -- Naval Sea Systems Command
NSN -- National Stock Number
NTA -- Nitrilo-triacetic acid
O3 -- Ozone
OC1 -- Hypochlorite ion
ORP -- Oxidation-reduction potential
OSHA -- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
oz -- Ounce
PACDIV -- Pacific Division
PBTC -- 2-phosphonobutane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid
PHactual -- Actual measured pH
pHs -- pH of saturation
ppb -- Parts per billion
ppm -- Parts per million
PSI -- Practical (Puckorius) Scaling Index
psig -- Pounds per square inch gauge
PVC -- Polyvinyl chloride
PWTB -- Public Works Technical Bulletin
QA -- Quality assurance
QC -- Quality control
RCRA -- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RFB -- Request for bid
RFP -- Request for proposal
RO -- Reverse osmosis
RSI -- Ryznar Stability Index
SDI -- Silt density index
SO3 -- Sulfite