UFC 3-240-13FN
25 May 2005
ABMA -- American Boiler Manufacturer's Association
AFCESA -- Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency
AFI -- Air Force Instruction
AFP -- Air Force Pamphlet
AFR -- Air Force Regulation
AMP -- Amino-tri(methylene) phosphonic acid
American Society of
Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning
ASME -- American Society for Mechanical Engineers
B -- Baum
Br2 -- Bromine
BTU -- British thermal unit
BTUH -- British thermal units per hour
BZT -- Benzotriazole
C -- Celsius
CaCO3 -- Calcium carbonate
CERCLA -- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
CFR -- Code of Federal Regulations
Cl2 -- Chlorine
ClO2 -- Chlorine dioxide
CO2 -- Carbon dioxide
COC -- Cycles of concentration
CTI -- Cooling Technology Institute
CWA -- Clean Water Act
D.R. -- Distribution ratio
DEAE -- Diethylaminoethanol
EDTA -- Ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid
EFD -- Engineering Field Division
EPA -- Environmental Protection Agency
ESPC -- Energy Saving Performance Contract
F -- Fahrenheit
FDA -- Food and Drug Administration
FMA -- Free mineral acids
ft -- Foot
ft3 -- Cubic foot