UFC 3-240-13FN
25 May 2005
limited or if high silica is suspected.
Sampling Locations. Typical locations for water sampling points in a
steam boiler system are shown in Figure 6-3. Each sampling point has a separate
cooling coil. Two or more sampling points are not connected by a single manifold to the
same cooling coil because it is almost impossible to determine if one of the valves has a
leak that might contaminate the sample being taken. Guidelines for sample collection
are provided below.
The makeup water sample does not have to be cooled. The sample
location typically will be the output of an ion exchange unit or some other
water-softening unit.
The boiler feedwater sample is a combination of makeup and condensate
return. An appropriate location for sample collection is from the discharge
of the boiler feed pump. This will be a hot sample, so a cooling coil is
used. Alternatively, sample collection for feedwater can be from the low-
pressure deaerator outlet.
The boiler water is very hot. Collect this sample from the continuous
blowdown line between the boiler and the regulating valve if possible. You
may collect it from a gauge-glass connection, if necessary. Use of a
cooling coil is recommended.
The steam condensate is hot. For small systems, collect this sample from
a line that enters the deaerating heater if possible. For medium and large
systems, you may need to collect condensate samples at two or more
locations in the system to obtain sufficient data for calculation of the
proper treatment level. When attempting to find a leak, you may need to
collect condensate samples from various locations in the system. Use of a
cooling coil is recommended.
Steam is collected regularly for systems with high-quality steam
requirements like those with turbines and those meeting NAVSEA steam
quality requirements. Otherwise, steam samples are rarely collected.
Refer to the ASME Performance Test Code (ASME PTC 19.11, Steam
and Water Sampling, Conditioning and Analysis in the Power Cycle, for
sampling procedures.