TM 5-814-5
(1) In general, only wastes for which the facility
in vertical cells on the end slope to form a working
has been specifically designed will be accepted for
face which will exctend across the trench and
disposal. However, other wastes may be accepted
advance toward the berm. Daily and intermittent
if it has been demonstrated to the using agency that
cover should be obtained from the adjacent cell
they can be satisfactorily disposed within the design
under construction (generally using a scraper).
capability of the landfill, or after appropriate
Wastes should always be placed at the toe of the
modifications have been made.
working face. Asbestos materials must be encapsu-
lated in plastic before being brought to the landfill,
or physical characteristics are not compatible with
and then covered with soil or other wastes before
landfill design, location or methods of operation
compaction. Uncompacted waste will be spread in
will not be accepted. Also, wastes which could
layers no more than 2 feet thick before
pose unacceptable environmental or health risks, or
compacting. Once compacted, another layer can be
threaten the safety of personnel using the facility
added and then compacted so that the waste cell
will be prohibited.
will be several feet thick before the soil cover is
(3) The Resource Conservation and Recovery
added. The working face should have a 20 to 30
Act of 1976 (RCRA) restricts the disposal of haz-
percent slope, and be as narrow as feasible to
ardous waste to landfills which are specifically
accommodate the number of trucks using the
designed for those wastes. Designers will specify
which wastes may be handled at each facility, and
4-5. Equipment.
operating personnel will be made aware of all
There are several basic types of equipment used at
(4) Landfill design should prohibit certain
landfills, and each has one or more specific func-
nonhazardous solid wastes, or as a minimum
tions. Excavation can be accomplished by a track
require pretreatment.
dozer, front-end loader, dragline, or scraper. For
(5) Criteria for municipal solid waste landfills,
landfills where excavation and filling operations are
as promulgated in 40 CFR 258, limits bulk or non-
taking place simultaneously, scrapers are most
containerized liquid waste placed in a sanitary
commonly used for excavation because of their
landfill to (a) household waste (other than septic
versatility. Compared to other equipment, scrapers
waste), (b) leachate, and (c) gas condensate from
are good for excavation and excellent in hauling
the landfill itself.
and spreading cover material, while eliminating the
(6) A container holding liquid wastes cannot be
need for trucking of wastes. Front-end loaders are
placed in a sanitary landfill, unless it is one gallon in
generally used for moving large rolls of synthetic
size or smaller, it is designed to hold liquids for
uses other than storage, or the waste held is a
liner material, and spreading the liner over the site.
household waste.
Dozers and compactors are best suited for
b. Cover. Most soils can serve as cover material.
preparing the landfill base and drainage layers.
Cover material should be applied as necessary to
Track dozers are commonly used to spread refuse
minimize fire hazards, odors, blowing litter, and
and cover material, break up hard deposits for
vector growth; discourage scavenging by animals;
scrapers, and push trees, stumps, and rocks during
control venting of landfill gases; infiltration of
clearing operations. Loaders are good for spreading
wastes also, but do not have the pushing power of
A minimum 6 inches of soil cover material must be
dozers. In general, operators find the most useful
applied at the end of each working day. Cells which
piece of equipment to be a steel-wheeled
will have no additional wastes placed on them for
compactor equipped with a landfill blade. It
three months or more should be covered with 12
achieves excellent compaction and can be used for
inches of material. Synthetic cover materials, such
spreading refuse and cover material. Many
as geotextile products, can be used but generally
moderate sized landfills are operated with a steel-
are not cost effective and their use must be
wheeled compactor, track dozer, and scraper. All
approved by the Director of an approved state
operating equipment coming in contact with solid
waste must be designed specially for landfill use.
c. Working Face. To provide additional protec-
tion for the liner system, waste will be placed on the
Equipment must be provided with guards to
bottom and sides of the lined trench, and
prevent refuse from clogging moving parts, and to
compacted until the liner is completely covered
protect operator personnel. It will be necessary to
with at least four feet of waste and soil. Once this
consult with manufacturer representatives to select
four-foot layer is in place, waste will be deposited
the best equipment.