TM 5-814-5
using an air pump to create pressure in the void.
site for this test. Many experienced liner installers
Any leak will be quickly indicated by a drop in
will perform destructive tests in the field as part of
pressure, and can be found by visual inspection and
their own quality control program. However, field
listening for leaks. Soap bubbles applied to the
tests shall not replace quality assurance testing by
seam can also isolate a leak.
an independent laboratory.
c. Destructive tests must also be performed by
4-4. Landfill Operations.
an independent testing laboratory. Directions for
conducting tests must be provided by the manu-
Proper site selection and design alone are not
facturer and must be followed. Generally, test strips
sufficient to produce a landfill which protects public
are randomly cut from the liner seam at intervals of
health and the environment. In order to achieve
300 to 500 feet. In addition, test strips will be taken
these goals, the landfill should be operated using
at all corners and pipe penetrations. Shear tests will
these guidelines.
be performed on the strips in accordance with
a. Restrictions. A landfill facility for the disposal
ASTM D 638. Some liner manufacturers also
of solid waste should be operated in accordance
request a peel test in accordance with ASTM D
with the following:
413, and will provide a laboratory either on or off