TM 5-814-5
(a) Gas pressure. A gas pressure build-up
Promoting stabilization in the landfill, such as
designing for a "wet landfill", as discussed else-
estimate should be made. The pressure generated
where in this manual, is a method for increasing the
by landfill gases should be low enough so as not to
production of gases, specifically methane. The daily
rupture the landfill cover. If gas generation is
soil cover may inhibit gas movement and
expected from waste biodegradation and/or from
interaction, and create pockets of gas which restrict
physical/chemical processes, then venting of the gas
gas collection. Some authorities have used a spray-
is recommended.
(b) Stress on vegetation. Landfill gases
on foam to prevent the wind from scattering loose
debris, thus reducing animal scavenging on the
that diffuse upward through the landfill cover may
working face of the landfill. The foam dissipates
have an effect on vegetation growing above. This
when mixed in with the working portion of the
stress may cause vegetation to deteriorate or die,
landfill on the next day, so it will not restrict the
which in turn will lead to increased erosion of the
flow of landfill gases, if that is a priority.
final cover.
(3) Regulations. The landfill authority should
(c) Toxicity of the gas. The toxicity of land-
insure that all Army, Federal, state, and local
fill gases should be studied. Release of gases by
regulations are followed concerning gas collection
diffusion through the final cover is unavoidable
and release, or recovery and reuse. Approximately
without using a very high grade material. The
half of the states and territories require methane gas
diffusion rate, concentration of the gas, and its
monitoring. Monitoring is generally conducted at
toxicity will determine whether such release will
the periphery of the landfill site by selecting
violate air quality regulations. In some cases a high
possible migration routes that could produce a
grade, impervious cover may be required.
(d) Location of the landfill. Gases diffusing
safety hazard.
b. Collection. If gas is expected to be generated
through a landfill cover may pose a health risk to
in a landfill, then arrangements should be made for
the resident population in the immediate vicinity of
proper venting or extracting the gas, and
the landfill. Proper monitoring should be provided.
(e) Explosive potential The USEPA rein-
subsequent treatment provided where desired or
required. Whether or not gas should be vented from
forced concerns about proper gas explosion control
a landfill depends on the following.
relative to landfill facilities and structures at the
(1) Venting Issues. The following issues should
property boundary. These are addressed in 40 CFR
be considered before deciding on gas ventilation
from a landfill: