effluent limits for the discharge. These limits would have to be
incorporated into the state's 208 Water Quality Management Plan.
Operation and Maintenance Report. This report reviews
plant operations data over the last permit cycle to evaluate
needed improvements to the facility. Any upsets or spills need
to be reviewed to determine the cause and possible solution.
Some water quality exceedances may be a result of operation
practices and need to be reviewed. The condition of the
facilities, such as the need for painting and other routine
maintenance, is evaluated. Some needs may require changes to the
process or construction approval. Permit renewal is a good time
to include major changes. However, not every maintenance item
needs to be reported to the agencies. Confirmation from the
agency on which items need permitting is recommended after the
Operation and Maintenance Report is completed.
Programming. MIL-HDBK-353 describes programming
facilities. A RAMP must be finalized prior to designing a
project. ETL 95-2, Preparation of Requirements and Management
Plan Packages for Military Construction (MILCON) Program
Projects, provides guidance on preparation of RAMP packages.
Preliminary Engineering Report. After a RAMP is
finalized, a Preliminary Engineering Report should be prepared.
This report should be prepared as part of the programming phase and
before design initiation. The Preliminary Engineering Report will
outline what changes are required to attain or maintain compliance.
Typically, this report will contain a summary of the future flows
and loads to be treated (from the Capacity Analysis Report),
a review of any alternative evaluations used to select the
appropriate treatment technologies, and a conceptual-level design
for upgraded facilities. A professional engineer sizes and plans
for appropriate process changes. The Preliminary Engineering
Report is sometimes submitted as part of the construction permit
application. Some states may require final construction drawings
before approving the changes, while others may issue a construction
permit based solely on the Preliminary Engineering Report. The
Preliminary Engineering Report should include, as a minimum, the
information discussed in the following subparagraphs.
Design Basis. Present the design basis for the
proposed wastewater facilities, including the following: