Recommended Plan. Describe the recommended plan for
the wastewater facilities based on the alternatives evaluation.
This will consist of a conceptual design for the recommended plan
and should include the following:
Process design criteria and preliminary sizing of
process facilities and equipment
Preliminary hydraulic profile based on the peak
design flow
Preliminary mass balance for plant showing process
performance and residuals production based on design loadings
Site layout showing location of major facilities
Preliminary layouts for major process facilities
Overall electrical feed and distribution plan
indicating the type of system proposed and major process control
and monitoring functions
Specific provisions to meet other regulatory
requirements such as stormwater drainage and treatment
Beneficial Reuse of Solids. Consider beneficial reuse
when evaluating alternatives for the disposal of residual solids
from wastewater facilities. Stabilized solids from biological
treatment processes are commonly applied to agricultural land,
where they can improve crop production. Biological solids can
also be further treated by composting or other processes to
produce material that is acceptable for public use for
horticultural and landscaping purposes. Industrial wastes such
as heavy metals can limit the feasibility of beneficial reuse,
which is one reason for eliminating, reducing, or pretreating
industrial wastewaters prior to their discharge to the FOTW.
The disposal of residual solids is regulated by 40 CFR
Part 503. This regulation specifies the treatment and disposal
requirements for beneficial reuse of residual solids. There are
classified based on the level of solids treatment provided and