TM 5-814-8
Some wastewaters may contain valuable metals,
which cause sewer plugging, interfere with the
treatment system, or pass through the system
oil, or other materials suitable for recovery.
Waste streams amenable to or requiring treat-
should be kept out of the sanitary sewer until the
ment are moderate in strength and probably
interfering effect is eliminated. Flow and quality
require no special consideration. High strength
characteristics of process wastes which combine
wastewaters may be a very complex mixture of
with sanitary waste must be included to yield
substances or a highly concentrated source of a
t o t a l system capacity requirements. In some
few constituents. In either case, the wastewater
cases, process wastes are collected and treated in
requires special consideration when it is included
a separate system which discharges directly to
in a collection system where it will be diluted and
the receiving stream.
probably more difficult to treat. Once problem
d. Wastewater characterization. The use of pub-
areas have been identified, alternative control
lished standard data for determining the magni-
schemes should be assembled on a preliminary
tude of parameters for flow and waste constitu-
basis. This provides the starting point for an
ents is normal practice; often no other data are
evaluation of the alternatives which will result in
available at new facilities. An adequate allowance
developing a solution to the problems.
b. Domestic waste. Domestic or sanitary
is included in published standards to provide a
wastewaters at military installations are derived
factor of safety in system sizing. However, it is
from barracks, households, schools, hospitals, ad-
prudent to supplement this approach by also
considering characterization of wastes from any
ministrative buildings, and any other sources
similar existing facilities or installations. This
related to the general population served. Typical
latter approach can be implemented by examining
parameters required to define the size of domestic
laboratory records, data logs, and reports. Waste
waste collection and treatment facilities include
flows can also be determined by correlation with
flow, BOD, suspended solids, phosphorus, and
water use after adjustment for lawn watering,
nitrogen content. Average daily per capita contri-
cooling losses, and other uses wherein water is
b u t i o n s are defined in TM 5-814-1 and TM
not returned to the sewer. Wastewater character-
5-814-3. Data for BOD and suspended solids are
ization can also be accomplished by examining
tabulated in TM 5-814-3. Similarly, flow data are
shown in TM 5814-1. Combining per capita use,
the industrial chemicals used in the processes
population and the capacity factor, sewage treat-
contributing to the waste stream. To determine
ment facilities can be sized. Hydraulic characteris-
the constituents of the industrial chemicals, the
appropriate Military Specification (MIL SPEC)
tics of all facilities must be based on peak flows.
should be examined and the quantity of each
The relationship between peaking factor and pop-
constituent verified.
ulation is shown in TM 5-814-1. Most domestic
water sources can discharge directly to the sewer
5-3. Solution methodology
s y s t e m without pretreatment. However, some
sources of domestic waste, such as food prepara-
a. Alternative approaches. In order to solve a
tion facilities, may require preliminary treatment
wastewater management problem, it is first neces-
units such as grease removal or coarse screens to
sary to define an approach to the problem. The
minimize problems in the sewers or at the treat-
approaches commonly employed are end-of-pipe
ment plant.
control and in-plant control. End-of-pipe control
c. Industrial waste. Industrial or process
usually involves collecting all the waste sources
wastes at military installations are produced by
into one waste stream and designing treatment
metal finishing operations, vehicle repair depots,
processes to remove the undesirable constituents.
photographic processing, munitions plants, laun-
In-plant control involves handling wastes at their
dries, and other similar facilities. Industrial chem-
source either by modifying the source or by
icals and the by-products from these facilities
removing undesirable constituents while they are
contribute to the process wastewater. Reference
still concentrated. Often, the most attractive
should be made to chapter 3 in this manual for
solution to a waste problem will be a combination
characteristics of wastes from these sources. In
of both abatement philosophies.
b. In-plant/source control. Control techniques
some instances, process wastes can be routed
for in-plant pollution abatement are usually ori-
directly to sewers handling sanitary wastes with-
ented toward a single source. In developing such
out pretreatment. If the process waste contains a
controls it is necessary to consider the means by
toxic compound, a hazardous compound, or exces-
which the waste is generated. In general, in-plant
sive quantities of such materials as oil and
control consists of one or more of the following:
grease, separate pretreatment is required. Wastes