TM 5-814-8
be conducted with a secondary purpose of defin-
5-2. Water and wastewater inventory
ing and obtaining missing data or information.
a. Introduction. The water and wastewater in-
(c) Program outline. After objectives have
ventory is an important part of any environmen-
been developed and a review of available data and
tal control program. It provides a data base from
definition of missing information has been com-
which solutions to wastewater management prob-
pleted, a preliminary plan for implementing the
lems can be developed. In any type of inventory,
wastewater management program should be for-
various waste streams are characterized for flow
mulated. The program outline prepared can be
rate, concentration of pollutants and source. This
expected to vary depending on the types of
information is essential in developing a treatment
facilities required. Typical types of facilities in-
or abatement strategy and is required by Federal
clude the following:
`Law for inclusion in an NPDES permit applica-
--Upgrading existing wastewater man-
tion. Military installations desiring to discharge
agement systems to correct deficiencies
into municipal sewage systems often must
and/or modification to achieve a higher
present the municipality with a complete
level of treatment.
wastewater characterization before connection will
-- Wastewater management programs for
be considered.
completely new installations including
(1) Inventory objectives. Due to the impor-
facilities to meet mission requirements,
personnel housing, and supporting ser-
reliable survey information is essential. For this
vice and recreational facilities.
reason, the planner and the survey team should
--Treatment facilities to serve an addi-
always keep in mind the major objectives of an
tion of personnel housing with support
industrial waste survey. These objectives are:
(a) To locate and inventory the waste
--Treatment and disposal facilities to
serve an addition of a functional facil-
(b) To quantify the waste sources in terms
ity such as a major equipment mainte-
of pollutant concentrations, flows, and mass load-
nance center at a storage depot.
--Modification of an existing wastewater
(c) To classify the waste stream as: low
system for an installation where a
strength, i.e., suitable for reuse or untreated
c h a n g e in mission of the facility
discharge; incompatible or hazardous; valuable for
changes the waste quality or quantity.
recovery; amenable to or requiring treatment; or
The above is not a complete list of facilities;
complex and/or high strength.
however, it does illustrate the need for differences
(d) To identify problem areas.
in the approach to program development.
(e) To develop preliminary control philoso-
(3) Planning process. Having clearly defined
phies and alternatives.
the program objectives and set general con-
(2) Loadings and variability. The inventory of
straints on the work required, the planning pro-
waste streams is necessary as a matter of record
cess may begin. The typical course of the plan-
and to ensure that all waste streams have been
ning process is presented schematically in figure
considered. Q u a n t i f y i n g e a c h o f t h e w a s t e
5-2 with work elements proceeding in order from
streams provides the basic waste load information
left to right. The specific work elements are
required for selection of alternatives and design
aimed at problem solution, alternatives, and cost
of treatment systems. Particular attention should
be given to the variability of the waste stream
(4) Decision making. As the project pro-
gresses, information is generally fed forward to
(3) Reviewing alternatives. In developing the
decision makers controlling financial decisions,
survey data, the characteristics of each waste
procurement, and project implementation. Feed-
stream should be closely examined to determine
back from decision makers based on initial re-
potential alternatives for handling the stream.
views of alternatives and additional negotiations
The first step in this process is to classify the
with regulatory agencies serves to direct the work
waste stream. Low strength wastewaters "may be
in progress and ensure that ultimate objectives
suitable for reuse elsewhere or for discharge
are met. The decision making process feeds for-
without treatment. Incompatible waste streams
ward to the original objectives and with imple-
may be hazardous, extremely difficult to treat
mentation and procurement represents the final
when mixed with water or other wastes, or very
step in the process.
easy to treat when not mixed with other wastes.