TM 5-814-8
--The imposition of discharge limitations
5-1. Introduction
on toxic pollutants not previously regu-
a. General requirements. D e v e l o p i n g a
lated and requiring a re-evaluation of
wastewater management program requires the
existing processes and/or treatment meth-
evaluation of the quantity, quality, and location
of wastes produced; the sizing and configuration
--Limitations on the handling and disposal
of collection systems; and a determination of the
of hazardous wastes not previously iden-
degree of treatment required to comply with
tified but requiring immediate attention.
discharge or stream standards. This chapter de-
Once the program is in motion, it must be
scribes the approach and principles used to define
coordinated as applicable with local, State, inter-
and meet specific system requirements. The major
state, and Federal agencies. The Federal Facilities
portion of wastes will be domestic, although most
Coordinator of the Regional U.S. EPA office
military systems contain at least some industrial
having jurisdiction should be utilized as the point
wastes. Specific information on industrial wastes
of contact for obtaining all applicable effluent
which may require special consideration is pre-
requirements, for approval of treatment processes
Wastewater characteristics
sented in chapter
selected, and for securing of the required dis-
are discussed in chapter 3. There are some
charge or disposal permits.
differences in approach used in assessing the need
(2) Problem identification/definition. The ini-
upgrading an existing system
for modifying
tial steps in identifying and defining a problem
compared with that used for establishing the
involve setting specific objectives, reviewing
requirements of new facilities. At most military
available data, and developing a program outline.
installations, a wastewater management program
(a) Objectives. Program objectives, based
will require upgrading treatment as opposed to
on the previous step, are developed to establish
construction of completely new facilities.
general constraints on work to be performed.
b. Planning cycle. As discussed in chapter 4,
Such objectives should include, but may not be
numerous regulations are imposed on the dis-
limited to identifying the following:
charge of both domestic and industrial
--Area or facilities to be served.
ers and the safe disposal of solids generated in
Source, configuration, and location of
waste treatment. Since all such discharges are
waste sources in question.
regulated by law, program formulation and solu-
--System components to be included
tion development can be seen as problem-solving
such as lateral sewers, trunk sewers,
cycle beginning and ending with specific regula-
and existing treatment facilities.
tory requirements. The planning cycle is pre-
--Provision for future facilities.
sented schematically in figure 5-1 and discussed
Process waste to be handled.
briefly below.
--Location of treated
(1) Regulatory requirements. At both the be-
ginning and end of the planning cycle, regulatory
Location of treatment process residuals
requirements in themselves define the ultimate
objectives of any wastewater management pro-
Specific modifications that may be re-
may be triggered for one or a
gram. The
quired for existing systems.
combination of the following reasons:
--Any special considerations resulting
--Permit violations with existing systems
from regulations and/or safety in han-
requiring upgrading and/or new construc-
dling specific process wastes (e.g., ex-
--New limitations requiring increased levels
plosives, etc.).
of treatment.
(b) Data review. All available data should
--The imposition of discharge limitations
be reviewed. Specific information for new facilities
may be limited to reports and preliminary plans
on non-conventional pollutants such as
ammonia or chemical oxygen demand re-
of proposed construction plus quantitative data
on the function and staffing of the installation.
quiring the extension of existing or con-
For modification, expansion, or upgrading of
struction of new facilities.