TM 5-814-8
proach to pollution abatement is presented in
dissolved solids may be high and diversion may
table 5-1. In this case, a chemical plant was faced
not be possible.
(9) Infiltration/inflow. Entry of storm flow
with implementing a comprehensive control pro-
g r a m employing both in-plant and end-of-pipe
technologies. The total reduction in BOD waste
faulty sewer lines or illicit connections can be a
load was 33 percent and the flow reduction was
major contribution to sewer flows. Infiltration is
25 percent due to in-plant control. Table 5-1
particularly serious for the several days following
illustrates how this reduction was achieved. Pro-
a major storm event or other periods when
cess modification and segregation for special
disposal played key roles in attaining the reduc-
sewer flow during and immediately following the
tion. The in-plant controls resulted in a corre-
storm event when roof drain or storm sewer
sponding decrease in the size of end-of-pipe treat-
connections contribute. Infiltration/inflow can cre-
ment facility required.
ate undesirable environmental conditions and
c. End-of-pipe control. Pollution control using
health hazards by sewer overflows and by requir-
and end-of-pipe abatement philosophy means
ing bypassing of treatment facilities when hy-
treating the waste discharges from a number of
draulic capacity is exceeded. To produce needed
operations after these wastes have been combined
environmental protection with minimum costs,
in a common sewer. End-of-pipe control usually
infiltration/inflow must be effectively controlled
addresses removal of a large variety of waste-
either by corrective action to the sewer system,
water constituents. There are many treatment
processes which can be employed in a treatment
sion of increased treatment capacity.
(10) By-product recovery. By-product recov-
sequence to obtain an acceptable discharge qual-
ity. This approach is generally more attractive
ery, applied to process waste, is another means of
than in-plant control because all wastewater treat-
waste reduction wherein materials from a waste
ment operations are carried out in a single,
stream are recovered for further use. It is quite
central location. Technologically, the end-of-pipe
often not economically feasible, but it should be
alternative may pose severe treatment problems
considered and evaluated.
due to the variety of pollutants in the wastewater
and the variability of wastewater characteristics
reduction before treatment can be accomplished
to be handled by a single facility.
by equalization of wastes. This involves various
methods for smoothing out the wastewater loads
5-4. Disposal alternatives
reaching a treatment facility, and is especially
applicable to the treatment of wastes from indus-
A major factor in developing a solution for
trial or process operations.
wastewater management is the method of ulti-
(12) Examples. The use of centralized vehicle
mate disposal of the treated wastewater. Very
wash facilities (CVWF) provides an excellent ex-
often there is more than one disposal alternative
ample of exercising in-plant control techniques.
and it is the planner's task to select the one
The centralized wash facility is designed to be
which is most suitable for the specific waste.
used for exterior washing after tactical operations
There are four general wastewater disposal alter-
and employs water conservation by treatment
and recycle of wash water. Segregation is accom-
Discharge to a domestic wastewater treat-
plished by isolating the wash water for exterior
ment plant.
washing from the wastewater generated by vehi-
--Dilution in surface waters.
c l e m a i n t e n a n c e ac t i v i t i e s a n d a n y ot h e r
Land disposal.
wastewater source. Recycling ,and treatment are
--Deep well injection.
accomplished by collecting wash water, removing
The following is a brief discussion of each of
settleable solids and floating oils, passing it
these disposal alternatives as related to wastewa-
through an intermittent sand filter and storing it
ters from military installations.
for reuse. The volume of wash water can be
a. Discharge to a domestic waste water treat-
minimized by using baths for soaking and loosen-
ment plant. Military installations may be located
ing the dirt from vehicles and by using automatic
within or near a civilian community which owns a
treatment plant, or they may have a treatment
shut-off nozzles on all wash hoses. Detergents,
system for their own domestic wastes. In both
solvents or other cleaning aids are not allowed
cases the industrial and new domestic wastewater
because they are not necessary for exterior wash-
may be discharged to the existing plant for
ing, and they complicate the waste strem. An-
treatment in combination with the existing waste-
other example of using an in-plant control ap-