TM 5-813-3/AFM 88-10, Vol 3
dustrial plant can vary depending on the purpose for
the method of removal. Most VOCs can be reduced to
which the water is to be used (e.g., process needs, cool-
meet Federal maximum contaminant levels through
ing, sanitary requirements, boiler makeup). Conse-
airstripping by an aeration tower. However, some
quently, the first step in designing a water treatment
VOCs, such as bromoform cannot be easily removed
plant for an industrial facility is to define the water
through airstripping and a more expensive method of
quantity and quality requirements.
removal such as carbon adsorption must be used.
(2) The water system serving an industrial facility
(c) Airstripping through counter-current packed
will be sized to supply the maximum anticipated quan-
column aeration towers appear to be a cost-effective
tity of water required during a single day of operation.
method for reducing VOCs. Preliminary analyses sug-
If hourly water usage rates exceed the average rate for
gests that it may be more economical than GAC or
the day of maximum use, storage tanks will be neces-
resin absorption treatment. Predicted capital costs and
sary to equalize the rate of flow of water through the
overhead and maintenance expenditures for aeration
treatment plant (see TM 5-813-4/AFM 88-10, Chap.
towers are less than other treatment technologies.
However, pilot testing must be performed to prove the
(3) After the water quality requirements have
feasibility of any solution to the removal of VOCs.
been determined, treatment works will be designed
Pilot testing will allow enhancement of a selected
using the appropriate treatment processes to meet
method, once that method has been proven feasible,
these quality requirements. Most water quality re-
allowing a maximum removal of VOCs for a minimum
quirements can be met through the use of treatment
of cost.
processes previously described. Approval for the use of
c. Industrial water treatment.
treatment processes not described in this manual must
(1) Water quantity and quality requirements for
industrial uses can vary greatly from industry to in-
be obtained from HQDA (DAEN-ECE-G), WASH DC,
20314 or HQ USAF/LEEEU, Washington, D.C. 20332.
dustry, and even from plant to plant within the same
industry. Also, quality requirements within a large in-