*TM 5-813-1/AFM-88-10, Vol. 1
Sufficient depth at extreme low stage must also be a
7-4. Intake location
consideration. In addition to structural and hydraulic
Meandering streams in deep alluviums pose especially
considerations, water quality is of major importance in
difficult intake problems. Here, expensive dikes, jetties
connection with intake design and location, and the water
and channel protection may be required to prevent the
quality aspects of a proposed location should be carefully
river channel from moving away from the intake or
examined. The location study should include a sanitary
cutting behind it. On such streams, careful consideration
survey whose objective is evaluation of the effects of
must be given to intake location. Generally, the intake
existing and potential sources of pollution on water
site should be on the outside bank of a well established
quality at the intake site. The survey should include a
bend where the flow is usually swiftest and deepest. If
summary of historical water quality data at the site plus
the outside bend site includes a rock bank, a reliable
an assessment of the probable impact of all wastewater
intake probably can be placed there. Inside bends are to
discharges likely to influence present or future quality.
be avoided because of shallow water and sand bars.