TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
ensure that the required drawdown is being main-
or wellpoints operating should be recorded and plotted
tained. Vacuum and gages (revolutions per minute) on
pumps and engines should be checked at least every
throughout the operation of the dewatering system.
few hours by the operator as he makes his rounds.
The data on the performance of the dewatering system
Piezometers located outside the excavated area, and
should be continually evaluated to detect any irregular
functioning or loss of efficiency of the dewatering sys-
discharge of the system, may be observed less fre-
tem before the construction operations are impeded, or
quently after the initial pumping test of the completed
the excavation or foundation is damaged.
system is concluded. Piezometer readings, flow meas-
urements, stages of nearby streams or the elevation of