TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Area of filter through which seepage is passing, drainage area, radius of a circular group of wells; area of
permeability test sample, area of entrance section of pipe in measuring flow through a venturi meter
or with a Pitot tube, or area of stream of water at end of pipe in jet-flow measurement
Cross-section area of sand drain
-Equivalent radius of a group of wells
Area of orifice
Spacing of wells or wellpoints
Distance between two lines of wells, length of weir crest, or circumference of a vertical pipe in fountain
flow calculations
Width of drainage slot, or end dimension of a rectangular drainage slot
Half width of rectangular array of wells
Half length of rectangular array of wells
Coefficient for friction loss in pipes; coefficient for empirical relation of D10 versus k; coefficient for
empirical relation of k versus R; calibrated coefficient of discharge in measuring flow through a ven-
turi meter or orifice; coefficient for measuring flow with a Pitot tube; or center of a circular group of
Coefficients for gravity flow to two slots from two-line sources
Weighted creep ratio for piping
Factors for drawdown in the vicinity of a gravity well
Coefficient of runoff
Thickness of homogeneous isotropic aquifer, or inside diameter of a discharge pipe
Thickness of equivalent homogeneous isotropic aquifer
Effective grain size
Thickness of a pervious stratum, or pressure tap diameter
Pipe diameter
Orifice diameter
Transformed thickness of homogeneous, isotropic pervious stratum
Electrical potential difference or voltage
Extra-length factor
Effective area factor
Factor for computing drawdown at any point due to a group of wells with circular source of seepage, or
Factor for computing drawdown at any point due to a group of wells with line source of seepage
Factor for computing drawdown midway between end wells of a line of wells with a circular source of
Factor for computing drawdown midway between end wells of a line of wells with a line source of seep-
Factor of safety
Factor for computing drawdown at center of a group of wells with circular source of seepage
Factor for computing drawdown at center of a group of wells with line source of seepage
Factor for computing drawdown at a well m in a two-line well array with a circular source of seepage
Factor for computing drawdown at a well in a group of wells with circular source of seepage
Factor for computing drawdown at a well in a group of wells with line source of seepage
Correction factor for a partially penetrating well from Kozeny's formula or Muskat's formula
Height of water table (initial) or piezometric surface, or crest height in fountain flow measurement;
gravity head