TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
quirements set forth for type B-3 specifications in
cavations unless the tunnel or shaft has been securely
paragraph 7-2.
lined and is safe from hydrostatic pressure and seep-
7-5. Measurement and payment.
(3) The specifications should also require that the
a. Payment when using types A-1 and A-2 specifi-
Contractor's plan provide for testing the adequacy of
cations is generally best handled by a `lump sum" pay-
the system prior to start of excavation and for moni-
toring the performance of the system by installing pi-
b. Payment when using type B- 1 specifications may
ezometers and means for measuring the discharge
be based on a lump sum type, or unit prices may be set
from the system.
up for specific items that have been predesigned and
b. Type B specifications.
specified with lump sum payment for operational and
maintenance costs.
(1) Types B-1 and B-2 specifications (para
c. Payment when using type B-2 specifications is
7-2b(1) and (2)) should set forth not only the required
generally on the basis of various unit prices of such
results for dewatering, pressure relief, and surface wa-
items as wells, pumps, and piping, in keeping with nor-
ter control, but also a detailed list of the materials,
mal payment practices for specified work. Operation
equipment, and procedures that are to be used in
for maintenance and repairs generally should be set up
achieving the desired system(s). The degree of respon-
as a lump sum payment with partial payment in ac-
sibility of the Contractor for dewatering should be
cordance with commonly accepted percentages of
clearly set forth for specification types B-1 and B-2 as
work completed.
previously stated in paragraph 7-2. With either type
of specification, the Contractor should be advised that
d. Payment when using type B-3 specifications
he or she is responsible for operating and maintaining
would generally be based on a lump sum type of pay-
the system(s) in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendation relating to equipment and in accord-
e. Payment for monitoring piezometers and flow
ance with good construction practice. The Contractor
measuring devices is generally made in keeping with
should also be advised that he or she is responsible for
the method of payment for the various types of dewa-
correcting any unanticipated seepage or pressure con-
tering specifications described above.
ditions and taking appropriate measures to control
such, payment for which would depend upon the type
7-6. Examples of dewatering specifica-
of specification and terms of payment.
tions. Examples of various types of specifications de-
scribed in paragraph -72, based on specifications ac-
(2) Type B-3 specifications (para 7-2b) should in-
tually issued and accomplished in practice, are includ-
clude the basic requirements set forth above for types
ed in appendix G .
A-1 and A-2 specifications plus the additional re-