TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
(Courtesy of Layne & Bowler, Inc., Memphis, Tenn.)
Figure 4-34. Deep-well turbine pump.
of operation in event of pump or engine failure, or for
b. Deep-well pumps.
repair or maintenance. By overdesigning the header
(1) Deep-well turbine or submersible pumps are
pipe system and proper placement of valves, it may be
generally used to pump large-diameter deep wells and
possible to install only one standby pump for every
consist of one or more stages of impellers on a vertical
two operational pumps. If electric motors are used for
shaft (fig. 4-34). Turbine pumps can also be used as
powering the normally operating pumps, the standby
sump pumps, but adequate stilling basins and trash
pumps should be powered with diesel, natural or LP
racks are required to assure that the pumps do not be-
gas, or gasoline engines. The type of power selected
come clogged. Motors of most large-capacity turbine
will depend on the power facilities at the site and the
pumps used in deep wells are mounted at the ground
economics of installation, operation, and maintenance.
surface. Submersible pumps are usually used for
It is also advisable to have spare power units on site in
pumping deep, low-capacity wells, particularly if a
addition to the standby pumping units. Automatic
vacuum is required in the well.
switches, starters, and valves may be required if fail-
(2) In the design of deep-well pumps, consider-
ure of the system is critical.
ation must be given to required capacity, size of well