TM 5-803-13/AFM 126-8
C-3. Major transition-zone grasses.
shady areas. Kentucky bluegrass is rather susceptible to
a. Bentgrass (Agrostis spp.). Used primarily for golf
disease and in warm, humid regions this susceptibility is
and putting greens, bentgrass has high maintenance
d. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Tall fescue is
requirements and is not recommended for general use in
the transition zone.
very adaptive to the transition zone. It is used as a
b. Bermudagrass
general-purpose turf. In mixtures with Kentucky blue-
Bermudagrass may be used as a transition-zone species
grass, it should comprise at least 80 percent of the
depending on the cold hardiness of the individual cultivar
e. Zoysia (Zoysia spp.). Zoysia is primarily limited to
selected. Most of these cultivars must be propagated
vegetatively. Bermudagrass is primarily used for
the southern portion of the transition zone. Within these
improved or semi-improved areas.
areas, it should be used only in areas with full sun. Meyer
c. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa partensis). One of the
zoysia is the most winter hardy species of Zoysia and is,
most widely used grasses in the transition zone, Kentucky
therefore, the most appropriate selection for use in the
bluegrass is popular for lawns and general-purpose areas.
transition zone. Figures C-3 and C-4 illustrate regional
It is adaptive to sun or open shade; however, in the
adaptation of turfgrass alternatives.
southern portions of the transition zone, it prefers cooler,