TM 5-803-13/AFM 126-8
C-1. Major warm-season grasses.
however, once damaged it is slow to recover. Zoysia is
a. Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum). Bahiagrass is an
very slow to establish and cover an area. Although close
excellent choice for roadsides and other unimproved areas
and frequent mowing is necessary, other maintenance
in the warm, coastal areas of the South. Its extensive root
requirements are low. Figure C-1 illustrates regional
system provides an excellent means of erosion control as
adaptation of warm-season grasses.
well as resistance to drought. It is fairly tolerant to salt
C-2. Major cool-season grasses.
injury and thrives in infertile, deep, sandy soil. Under low
a. Bentgrass (Agrostis spp.). Bentgrass is a very fine,
management it is difficult to mow because of numerous
seed heads which form a tall, open turf. Bahiagrass is
elegant grass especially suited to the northern half of the
propagated by seed. Establishment rate is usually slow,
United States. It is used extensively for recreational areas
although some cultivars establish more quickly.
such as golf courses; however, it demands frequent
b. Bermudagrass
maintenance. It is tolerant to acid soil conditions and
Bermudagrass is very adaptable in areas with full sun. In
prefers full sun. Because of its maintenance demands, it
the southern regions, it has a prominence similar to that
is not desirable for general use.
b. Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa). Canada blue-
of Kentucky bluegrass in the northern regions.
Bermudagrass is vigorous, withstands heavy use and is
grass is primarily valued for its ability to control erosion
resistant to disease and saline soils. It responds well to
on sites with sterile soils. It adapts to the vigorous
good cultural practices and must be restrained at its
climate of the Great Lakes region and can be used in
borders. It may be established by seed, sprigs or sod.
c. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis). Kentucky
Some popular Bermudagrass cultivars are excellent for
heavy-use, high-maintenance areas such as golf greens,
bluegrass is an excellent lawn grass for areas in the
fairways and ballfields. These cultivars must be
northern United States. It is the most widely used of the
propagated vegetatively by sprigging or sodding.
cool-season grasses because it is adaptive to a wide range
Common Bermudagrass may be seeded. The species has
of soil and climate conditions. Kentucky bluegrass sod is
a coarser texture and is less winter-hardy than its
very tough and may be used in semi-improved and
cultivars. Common Bermudagrass is widely used for
unimproved areas such as physical training areas,
unimproved areas and may be used for semi-improved
airfields, parks, cemeteries and open lawn areas. It is very
areas depending upon the quality of turf desired. Its
sensitive to close cutting (less than 1 inches) and it is
bronzy seed spikes can be controlled by regular mowing.
subject to summer dormancy during stressful periods of
c. Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides). Cen-
high heat and drought. It can be propagated by seed or
tipedegrass is slow-growing, short, dense grass which
d. Chewings and red fescue (Festuca rubra). These
establishes readily and requires little care. It does best in
sandy soils in full sun or semishade in the warm coastal
fine textured grasses are well adapted to dry, shady areas
regions of the South. It is not tolerant to saline
in the Northeast and Northwest regions of the United
States. They are generally low-maintenance grasses;
d. St. Augustine (Stenotaphrum secundatum). St.
however, fertilizing is necessary where tree roots and turf
Augustine is a coarse-textured grass useful for lawn areas
compete for nutrients. They mix well in equal proportions
in the South. It is the most shade-tolerant of the warm-
with Kentucky bluegrass to provide a dense, continuous
season grasses and it is also tolerant to saline conditions.
turf for lawns.
e. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Tall fescue is
Although the species is relatively inexpensive to
establish, it has high maintenance requirements. St.
a coarse-textured, unattractive grass, usually not desired
Augustine requires frequent watering and fertilization. St.
for use as a lawn. The grass is very resistant to heavy use,
Augustine is more subject to insect and disease damage
high temperatures and drought. It roots deeply and
than Bermudagrass; however, some cultivars offer more
provides good erosion control in sandy soils.
f. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). Perennial
e. Zoysia (Zoysia spp.). Zoysia is adapted to areas
ryegrass is best suited to mild, maritime climates. It
throughout the southeastern United States for use on
produces a coarse, tough turf which is not usually desired
lawns and golf courses. Its tolerance to salt makes it well
for lawn purpose. It germinates and establishes itself
adapted to coastal areas. It is a wear-tolerant species;