TM 5-803-13/AFM 126-8
B-6. Site preparation for street plantings. With
a. In most cases, soil from the site should not be
proper planning, trees can thrive in developed areas in
replaced because tree roots must eventually grow into the
spite of air pollution, temperature extremes and high
surrounding soil. Many times imported soil creates more
winds. To survive under these conditions, tree roots must
problems than it solves. If soil is replaced, existing and
have a suitable environment. It is often difficult to supply
imported soils should be thoroughly mixed over as large
adequate oxygen, water and nutrients in individual
an area as is practical.
b. When it is not practical to plant at grade, the use of
planting pits in paved areas. Cluster planting can provide
an area large enough for groups of plants to protect each
raised planting beds should be considered. This practice
other by creating a mutually beneficial microclimate,
improves drainage and can be used to direct pedestrian
where plants partially shade and cool each other and the
movement without danger of compacting the soil. Raised
planters should be at least 8-inches high and bounded by
a curb of wood, masonry or cement.