TM 5-803-13/AFM 126-8
erode severely, a permanent grass may be planted
intervals of two to three weeks during the initial
simultaneously with a nurse grass.
establishment period.
d. Fertilization. Under some conditions, application
4-7. Establishment. The length of time necessary for
of fertilizer prior to planting may not be sufficient to
turf to become established varies according to species,
maintain active plant growth during the establishment
method of planting and site conditions. In most cases a
period. The need for a higher nitrogen level can be
reasonable establishment period is 3 months or until the
detected by stunted growth and a yellowish leaf color,
turf has been mowed three times.
especially where adequate moisture has been supplied.
a. Watering. Maintenance of a moist soil surface is
Seeded areas should not be fertilized until seedlings reach
critical during the establishment period, especially where
a height of 1 to 1 inches. Sodded areas do not require
a durable, long-lasting turf is required. Immediately after
fertilizer during the establishment period.
e. Weed control. Herbicides may injure the root sys-
planting, the soil should be thoroughly moistened. Light
daily watering may be necessary for 2 to 3 weeks. Heavy
tem of new plantings and are usually unnecessary until
applications of water which results in puddling and runoff
after the establishment period. Weed control should not
will disrupt establishment and promote disease. The use
be necessary in sodded areas.
f. Traffic control. Seeded areas are especially suscep-
of a mulch reduces the need for frequent watering.
b. Mowing. Mowing should begin when turf reaches
tible to damage until turf is mature, and should he pro-
a height one-third greater than the anticipated cutting
tected by barriers.
g. Repair of planting failures. Unexpected environ-
height. Mowing should continue at the height and fre-
quency required of the established turf. The initial mow-
mental conditions, such as lack of rainfall and unfavora-
ing of areas established by sprigs should begin when
ble temperatures, can cause planting failures. Regardless
sprigs reach a height of 3 to 4 inches, except for zoysia,
of whether the failures are in large or small areas, repair
which establishes best at a 1 inch height, Mowing should
should he prompt in order to take advantage of the
be done with sharp equipment on dry, firm soil.
planting season. If the planting season has expired,
c. Topdressing. Topdressing is applied to stolonifer-
mulching will be necessary to protect the site until the
ous species to increase the formation of dense sod. A
next planting season. Low spots should be promptly
light covering with a material similar to the underlying
filled and replanted. Areas where seeds have failed to
soil is recommended. Top dressing should be applied at
germinate should be repaired by reseeding.