TI 804-01
1 July 1908
and pedestrians helps promote safety. Safe circulation systems have a perceivable hierarchy
of movement, lead to a clear destination and do not interrupt other activities. EI 02C800,
Design for Non-Organizational or Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Site Circulation and Parking,
provides specific design criteria for vehicular circulation and parking. The AEI provides
guidance concerning design vehicle and space allowance and parking stall size. The AEI also
provides authorized parking allowances for non-organizational vehicle (POV) and visitor
parking allowances by facility type.
a. Vehicular Circulation. The following factors should be considered in the design of
vehicular circulation:
(1) Access Intersections. Driveway intersection access should be controlled to
minimize the conflicts between through traffic and vehicles entering and exiting the site. Points
of conflict can be limited by:
(a) Reducing the number of access drives to one (1) two-way drive or a pair of
one-way drives for each site. Drives may be added to the site if the daily traffic volume
exceeds 5,000 vehicles per day (both directions) or if traffic using one drive would exceed the
capacity of a stop-sign-controlled intersection during the peak (highest) traffic hour.
(b) Increasing the space between drives and between drives and roadway
(c) Preventing certain maneuvers (e.g., left turns).
(d) Provide left-turn lanes with storage for turning vehicles.
(e) Provide right-turn deceleration and acceleration lanes for right turning
(f) Include physical and sight distances which allow safe entry and exit from the
access road.
(g) Location away from any elements (e.g., building, topography or vegetation)
which block or lessen sight distance.
(h) Adequate views and signage of entry to the site from the access road.
(i) Use of topography, vegetation, and water to define entrances.
(j) Maintenance of maximum spacing between access drives occurring on the
same access road.
(k) Alignment of access drives across the primary roadway from each other, or
adequate separation of access roads.
(l) Right-angle turns from the access road onto the access drive with adequate