TI 804-01
1 July 1908
4-1. GENERAL. This chapter provides guidance concerning certain design criteria to meet the
requirements for design layout. Additional design criteria can be found in the Architectural and
Engineering Instructions, Design Criteria and in the Installation Design Guide (IDG). Design
criteria should be incorporated into the planning process from the onset. The design criteria
should be used during the planning process to provide the requirements that affect the spatial
4-2. BUILDING DESIGN, LOCATION, AND ORIENTATION. The primary building is usually
the most prominent single element and the center of site activity. The building location on the
site may be determined by considering the following factors.
a. Dimensional Factors. Dimensional factors include the building dimensions, or
footprint, and the following factors:
(1) Buffer Zones. Buffer zones provide setbacks and safety protection from:
(a) Airfield and helipad clearances.
(c) Noise abatement.
(d) Physical security clearances.
(e) Storage and handling hazardous material clearances.
(f) Separation of incompatible land use or functions.
(2) Spacing Requirements. Spacing between buildings and functions is normally
determined by their:
(a) Functional relationships.
(b) Operational efficiency.
(c) Fire protection clearances.
(d) Physical security requirements.
(e) Parking requirements.
(f) Future expansion.
(g) Open space.