UFC 3-120-10
15 June 2006
NAF funds are also used for the design of FF&E. When the using activity identifies
funds for the procurement of the FF&E on the DD Form 1391 and requests FF&E
interior design in the description of construction (Section 3) USACE will provide this
service from planning and design funds. When FF&E interior design is not included in
the programming documents, the design and review effort will be provided from the
using activity O&M or NAF funds. For projects whose construction is funded from O&M
or NAF funds, the using activity will provide funds for design and design review from this
3-7.4 Procurement and Installation of FF&E.
Funds to support the procurement, tracking, shipping, warehousing, installation,
inspection and associated services in addition to the furnishings themselves will be
provided by the using activity from the same source as the funds for FF&E, normally
O&M or NAF funds.