UFC 3-120-10
15 June 2006
f. Determine if procurement agencies have the technical expertise to purchase
large projects or understand the need to purchase FF&E projects without
deviating from the design intent.
g. Determine if non-DoD procurement agencies require an Interagency Agreement
to procure the FF&E.
3-3.3 Government Furnished/Contractor Installed (GFCI) FF&E.
The Government may have the contractor install existing furnishings as part of its scope
of work, known as Government Furnished / Contractor Installed (GFCI). This may be
accomplished with either the Design-Build or Design-Bid-Build. An FF&E design may
be performed for reconfiguration or for additional furnishings to match existing
furnishings. Consider all of the above issues when planning this type of acquisition
3-4.1 Planning and Programming.
The interior designer will be involved during the initial programming and DD1391
development and preparation. The designer will be involved in the initial information
gathering, or design charrettes, at the onset of a project. The designer contributions
during the planning and programming stage ensure that all applicable interior design
issues are considered, and evaluated as part of defining the project scope.
DD Form 1391.
Interior Designer involved with the DD Form 1391 will provide an estimated cost for
furnishings based on the Air Force Interior Design Cost Estimating Guide or other
historical project data. When furniture is required as part of a project, it must be
specifically identified on the DD Form 1391. If so identified, it is funded from other
sources (normally O&M) and is an integral part of the construction project. Furniture is
listed on the DD Form 1391 as a non-add entry in Block 9 for Equipment Provided from
Other Appropriations. In Block 12b, list the equipment as an O&M funded item, the
fiscal year the funds are requested, and the line item cost. The FF&E must be verified
at the command level by those responsible for budgeting O&M appropriations. Any
equipment included on the 1391 must be estimated separately from the furnishings and
added to the FF&E budget.
3-4.2 Concept Design.
During the concept design phase, the interior designer will meet with representatives of
the using activity and the building design team to determine the design concept. The
design concept must be described in the design analysis as required in the project
delivery process. The design concept must meet the user's functional, physical, and
aesthetic needs. The interior designer will produce programming documents including
space utilization, personnel requirements, concept space plan, furniture foot print and