UFC 1 -300-08
30 JUNE 2004
Block 9. [TRANSACTION DETAILS]. This block is divided into four subparts.
Subpart A identifies the type of construction activity for this project. Subpart B identifies
the reason that the DD Form 1354 is being issued in terms of an event. You must explain
an "other" check for either section A or B in block 28, Project Remarks, on the back of the
form. Subpart C identifies the version of this DD Form 1354. Subpart D identifies the
Effective Date for the transaction described by the checkboxes in block 9.
2-4.9.1 [Subpart A of Block 9] Type of Construction Activity. Insert an X in the
appropriate box of subpart A to indicate whether the transaction involves acceptance of
new construction, transfer of existing facilities, capital improvements to existing facilities, or
some other type transaction. Check only one box. Definitions follow:
2- New construction. Acceptance of accountability for a facility that did not
previously exist
2- Existing facility. Transfer of accountability for an existing facility
2- Capital improvement of an existing facility. Increases the facility size or
capacity, useful life, or operating efficiency of an existing facility
2- Other. If the "Other" checkbox is checked, the preparer explains the transaction
in Project Remarks (block 28), on the back of the DD Form 1354. Examples for marking
"Other" are for occurrences such as real property inventory adjustment or capital decrease.
2-4.9.2 [Subpart B of Block 9] When/Event. Insert an X in the appropriate box of
subpart B to indicate when (in terms of an event) the DD Form 1354 is issued. The
checkboxes are arranged in order of which box you should use with the first box being the
most desirable, if it applies. Check only one box and the first box that applies.
PHYS COMPL/AVAIL (Physical Completion/Available for Use).
Check this box when the entire facility(ies) described on the DD Form 1354 is substantially
complete (except for deficiencies noted on the back) and the entire facility(ies) is being
made available for use at the time of transfer. Beneficial occupancy usually occurs at this
point. If beneficial occupancy occurs before the facility is complete, check BENF/O or
Partial BOD as explained below.
2- BENF/O (Beneficial Occupancy). Check this box when the transfer or
acceptance of the whole facility occurs at the time of beneficial occupancy by the tenant,
but the facility is not considered physically complete. Partial Beneficial Occupancy (BOD)
is explained below.
2- Partial BOD (Partial Beneficial Occupancy). Check this box when the
transfer or acceptance documented by this interim DD Form 1354 is for only a portion of a
facility (such as one wing of a new hospital) or is for a phased turnover of one or more
facilities in a multiple facilities project. Turnover of each phase at partial BOD would have