UFC 1 -300-08
30 JUNE 2004
This chapter provides detailed block-by-block instructions for each data
element, with examples and a description of "where the data come from."
FORMAT AND INSTRUCTIONS. The DD Form 1354, Transfer and
Acceptance of Military Real Property, was revised to better meet the requirements of the
CFOA, implement audit recommendations, and ensure consistent reporting of the cost of
facilities. The DD Form 1354 is provided as Appendix B. Note that the backside of the
form provides a brief description for each block on the form. Appendix C of this UFC
replaces the instructions for filling out the DD Form 1354 that are currently contained in
FMR 7000.14-R, Volume 3, Chapter 17, Appendix B. These FMR Appendix B instructions
contain more detail than the form backside instructions, but less than the detailed
instructions in this chapter, which are the most comprehensive and contain examples.
REQUIRED DATA. The essential information required for the transfer and
acceptance of real property is documented on the DD Form 1354 and this information
supports entries into the installation's real property accounting system. The format has 28
data blocks. Because this form is used for the variety of purposes described in Chapter
One, not all of the data blocks are required for each usage. When a block is not to be filled
out for a particular usage, enter N/A for "not applicable." There should be no blank data
fields except in the block 23, Item Remarks column, where blanks are allowed.
WHERE DO DD FORM 1354 DATA COME FROM? The construction agent
and the installation team must work together to collectively provide the data to accurately
prepare a DD Form 1354 at the right time. Most of the data are first available during the
design phase of a project, and the draft DD Form 1354 should be included in the design
scope of services to the construction agent as a required deliverable. Installations should
review and approve the draft DD Form 1354 as part of their review of other design
The DD Form 1354, Transfer and Acceptance of Military Real Property, requires
the preparer to provide specific information about the project. Information such as
description of the real property facilities, category codes and sizes, costs, fund source(s),
contract number(s), facility numbers, and as built drawing numbers, is typically required.
For real estate transactions, the real estate instrument (document) contains much of the
required information.
For Military Construction projects the DD Form 1391, Military Construction
Project Data, and the project folder contain some of the information that is needed on the
DD Form 1354. Table 2 -1 shows a crosswalk from equivalent data fields in the DD Form
1391 to the DD Form 1354. The latest DD Form 1391 should be validated by the
designers prior to use in preparing a DD Form 1354. In the absence of a 1391, the work
request often provides similar data needed to complete the 1354.