UFC 1 -300-08
30 JUNE 2004
rejected based on objective standards. There is a glossary of terms and appendices
showing the DD Form 1354, instructions for each block or data field, a building information
checklist, and several lists of codes.
Although related to the transfer and acceptance of military real property, this UFC does not
address USACE/NAVFAC/DPW/FacMgr/BCE/DIS procedures for:
How to track planning and design costs for a construction project or
How to enter project costs in the CIP or work-in-progress account.
OVERVIEW. This UFC handbook describes five different job positions that
perform the required tasks. In reality, the Services assign these roles to the principal and
staffs that work for the holders of these positions as best serves each Service. The
approach in this UFC is to clarify the process, not to dictate how a Service or installation
should assign job responsibilities. The five positions are: construction agent project
manager who prepares the DD Form 1354, RPAO who accepts and accounts for
individual facilities, Realty Specialist who enters real property data into the real property
database, DPW/ FacMgr/ BCE who is involved in master planning, construction, real
property maintenance, and real property accountability; and the funding
organization/activity who is the customer for the facility or project. With all five functions
(e.g., project manager, RPAO, Realty Specialist, DPW/FacMgr/BCE and customer), and
their respective staffs, working together early on in the project life cycle, the project has an
excellent chance of achieving overall success. Successful projects are marked in part by
timely and accurate documentation. By working together and following the procedures in
this handbook, real property assets should be transferred and accepted in a timely manner,
and costs transferred from CIP accounts to general property, plant, and equipment (PP&E)
accounts at the time they are placed in service. In addition, real property facilities would be
listed on the DD Form 1354 in a standard format such that facilities are accurately posted
to the real property database.
This UFC recognizes that the construction agent project manager responsible
for preparing the single DD Form 1354 (multiple versions) for any project could in practice
be an onsite project manager assigned to a Resident or Area Office, or a manager who
spends most of his/her time at the District or Division. He/she could also be a member of
the DPW/FacMgr/BCE if the installation is managing its own project. This UFC uses the
term construction agent project manager to mean the designated person to whom the
construction organization assigns the responsibility to prepare the DD Form 1354.
This UFC also recognizes that final/turnover inspections are done differently
throughout DoD. In an ideal situation, the turnover inspection for quality workmanship with
the contractor, the facility acceptance inspection with the RPAO, and the facility turnover
with the occupant all occur simultaneously and the DPW/FacMgr/BCE and the RPAO are
present. In practice, this combined inspection does not always occur and designated
representatives may attend different inspections or facility turnover events. Different
Services may name these inspections differently and conduct them in different order. This
UFC does not dictate when, how, or who attends these inspections. Since the RPAO may