TI 811-12
18 August 1998
(c) Utility Records (e.g., Fuel consumption, Electrical consumption, Utility rate contracts,
Central plant data).
Real Property Records
Building occupancy schedules.
Major equipment operating schedules.
Buildings scheduled for demolition.
Major equipment scheduled for shutdown or removal.
Desired design and construction schedule.
c. Security Clearances. Applicable security restrictions will be carefully observed during all survey
activities including information gathering. Any classified data gathered or developed as part of the site
survey will be safeguarded appropriately. All team members will possess the necessary clearance levels
required by the installation prior to the start of the on-site portions of the survey.
a. Beginning the Survey. An entrance briefing will be conducted with the survey team and the
responsible installation personnel. An installation DPW representative will brief the survey team on the
proposed scope of the project and the economic analysis guidelines to be used. The DPW representative
is responsible for providing site specific information such as contact persons for as-built drawings, facility
access, utility information, secure areas, and other areas of general installation coordination. DPW
personnel will also provide information on any existing UMCS and other associated control systems.
b. Candidate Facilities and Systems. The survey teams will work with the DPW and other
installation and facility personnel to develop a preliminary list of candidate facilities and other system
applications. Prime candidates for inclusion on the site survey list are facilities and/or systems which
have large energy consumption or equipment ratings. Buildings which are occupied less than sixteen
hours per day or less than seven days per week are generally good candidates as are central chiller and
boiler plants. Other candidates should include utility or other system meters, especially remote meters
which must be manually logged frequently. Site specific circumstances may also result in other candidate
UMCS applications.
c. Tasks. There are three primary tasks of the UMCS survey. The first is to obtain information that
was requested but not obtained prior to arrival on site. This could potentially include any of the items
discussed previously in Section 3. The second is to verify the site specific information received including
the as-built drawings, major equipment and building operating and occupancy schedules, buildings
scheduled for demolition and major equipment scheduled for shutdown. The third is to obtain information
not readily available from existing documentation. This would include:
Identify any major equipment not documented.
Identify any potential savings opportunities not documented.
(4) Determine the routing of any new or extensions to the existing communications system in
order to serve all potential UMCS points.
(5) Determine the extent of any existing UMCS and the condition and suitability of the installed