TI 811-12
18 August 1998
Assembling the team.
Organizing and scheduling the survey.
Handling the survey team logistics.
Conducting briefings.
(2) Mechanical Engineer. An engineer with experience in the design and analysis of all types of
mechanical systems including central plants and other utility systems such as water and wastewater
treatment systems. This person should have experience in inspecting HVAC systems and components
including controls. If a controls engineer is not available, one of the engineers on the survey team should
(3) Electrical Engineer. An engineer with experience in the design and checkout of various
types of local control systems (i.e. pneumatic, electric, etc.) as well as the hardware and software
requirements of an UMCS system. Additional experience in design and analysis of electrical power
distribution systems for both building power distribution systems as well as installation-wide power
distribution systems is desirable.
(4) Technician. The technician's primary task is to work with and assist the engineers listed
above in both data gathering and analysis. They should be experienced in the field in which they are to
be working.
a. Initiation. A survey is initiated when an installation has established the need to install or add to an
UMCS. Survey support can be requested from the UMCS MCX while site specific data should be
requested from the installation. A survey team chief will be chosen to prepare a survey plan, assemble
the survey team and perform the survey. Responsibilities of survey team members are outlined in
Section 2.
b. Survey Notice. The assistance of site personnel is crucial to the success of a survey. The
assistance required ranges from arranging for Post and facility access to provision of site engineering
data. It is essential that the installation be notified of the pending survey and required support as much in
advance as possible so that survey needs can be met without significantly impacting the normal
workload. This notification is provided through the survey notice letter. The survey team chief will provide
the survey notice letter to the Post commander and closely coordinate with his designated point of
contact, usually the DPW. The survey notice will cover, as a minimum, the following subjects:
Proposed survey schedule.
Survey team members (including clearances where necessary).
Facility access requirements.
Safety, fire and security regulations.
Necessary site specific data, such as:
(a) As-built drawings (i.e., Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Existing UMCS,
Candidate UMCS applications.