TI 809-51
30 September 1999
(5) The bottom story of a building on a sidehill site will often be a basement with
access at grade on one side of the building, and essentially solid walls on the other three sides.
If the basement is used to park motor vehicles, the side at grade may have large openings to
admit the vehicles, resulting in significant torsional response to seismic forces.
(6) Other unusual features could include structural additions with structural systems or
materials that differ from the original construction, or structural alterations that may adversely
affect the intended load path for lateral forces.
B-3. Structural Review Score Sheet
The Structural Review Score Sheet (Figures B-2, B-3, and B-4) employs a deterministic matrix
of selected structural parameters to arrive at a final structural score that represents the potential
vulnerability of the building to seismic damage. This score may be subsequently used to
establish a ranking of buildings, based on their relative vulnerability to seismic life-safety
hazards. This may be useful as a prioritization tool in selecting buildings for further evaluation
and rehabilitation.
Separate score sheets are provided, with applicable basic structural scores and modifiers, for
the low, moderate, and high seismic areas. The regions of seismicity shall be defined by using
the algorithm presented in FEMA 310, Section 2.5, and using the Maximum Considered
Earthquake (MCE) parameters obtained from the 1997 NEHRP Seismic Map Package. Most of
the data to be entered on this sheet can be extracted from the Lateral Load System Data sheet
(Figure B-1), but all of the information on the score sheet, where feasible, should be confirmed
during the site visit to the building.
a. Identification data. The basic identification data from the Lateral Load System Data
sheet is repeated to allow this score sheet to be used or filed independently of the data sheet.
Additional data to be provided include:
(1) The year the building was designed. This information should be obtained from the
drawings. If the drawings indicate that the building was modified or expanded in subsequent
years, this information should be entered at the bottom of the sheet under