1 kip = 4.448 KN
1 kipft =- 1.356 KNm
1 foot = 0.305 m
Distribute shear to wall piers in lower portion of wall (1/2 each)
V = (9.6) = 4.8 kips (21.3 KN)
Shear strength of pier = (3.33' (12"/' (8")(174) = 55.6 k (247 KN)> 4.8 k (21.3 KN), OK
M = (8' (4.8k)/2 = 19.2 kft (26.0 KNm)
M/Vl = 19.2 / (4.8)(3.33' = 1.2 < 3.0 (no boundary zones required in outer piers)
Check overall action of wall;
Mbase = (6.86)(25.67) + (2.73)(10' = 204 kft (277 KNm)
M/Vl = 204 / (9.6)(10) = 2.12 <3.0 (no boundary zones required in lower portion of wall)
Shear wall lines A7-A8 & I7-I8
These walls resist shear forces from the sacristies.
V = 3.33k (14.8 KN)
From sacristy in transverse direction x 30% = 0.3(0.30) = 0.09k
Total shear = 3.33 k + 0.09k = 3.4 k (15.1 KN)