center of gravity of the equipment. This equivalent
guide rollers and two-thirds to the bottom guide
static force will be considered to be applied in any
rollers of elevator cars and counterweights.
direction. aP will be equal to 1.50.
elevator car and/or counterweight will be assumed to
be located at its most adverse position in relation to
(2) Weight of equipment. The weight of such
the guide fails and support brackets.
equipment, WP, need not include any live load, and
deflections of guide rails will not exceed inch
the equivalent static force so computed will be
deflections of the brackets will not exceed inch
prescribed non-seismic horizontal forces when
considering the design of the crane and monorails.
When considering the design of the building, the
1. In structures conforming to Seismic
weight of the equipment will be included with the
Design Categories D, E, and F, a retainer plate
weight of the building.
(auxiliary guide plate) will be provided at top and
bottom of both car and counterweight.
h. Elevators.
Power-cable-driven elevators and
clearances between the machined faces of the rail
hydraulic elevators with lifts over 5 feet (1.5m) will
and the retainer plate will not be more than 3/16
be designed for lateral force set forth in this chapter.
inch (4.8mm), and the engagement of the rail will
not be less than the dimension of the machined side
(1) Elements of the elevator support system.
face of the rail. When a car safety device attached to
All elements that are part of the elevator support
the lower members of the car frame complies with
system, such as the car and counterweight frames,
the lateral restraint requirements, a retainer plate is
guide rails, supporting brackets and framing, driving
not required for the bottom of the car.
equipment, will be investigated for the prescribed
2. For Seismic Design Categories D, E,
lateral seismic forces (see Figure 10-11).
and F, the maximum spacing of the counterweight
rail tie brackets tied to the building structure will not
Equivalent static forces.
The lateral
exceed 16 feet (4.9m).
An intermediate spreader
seismic forces will conform to the applicable
bracket, not required to be tied to the building
provisions of Paragraphs 10-3b and 10-3c.
structure, will be provided for tie brackets spaced
greater than 10 feet (3.0m), and two intermediate
(a) The car and counterweight frames,
spreader brackets are required for tie brackets spaced
roller guide assembly, retainer plates, guide rails,
greater than 14 feet (4.3m).
and supporting brackets and framing will be
designed in accordance with Section 6.3.2 of FEMA
Machinery and equipment will be
designed for aP = 1.0 in Equation 7-1, when rigid
302. The lateral forces acting on the guide rails will
be assumed to be distributed one-third to the top
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