TM 5-814-7
they will principally relate to zoning, roads and air quality.
reduction, recovery and recycling.
c. AR 200-2 describes procedures that the Army
will employ to comply with the requirements set out by
2-3. Army regulations
NEPA. Specifically, paragraph 3-1 of the regulation
a. The Department of the Army's (DA) program for
requires the DA to integrate NEPA's "systematic
compliance with environmental protection standards of
examination of the possible and probable environmental
Federal, State, interstate and local agencies is
consequences of implementing a proposed action," and
established by Army Regulations (AR) 200-1 and 200-2.
development of a written report Environmental Impact
AR 200-1, paragraph 1-1, "prescribes (DA) policy,
Statement (EIS). Certain categories of actions are
responsibilities, and procedures to protect and preserve
exempt from the above requirement; AR 200-2,
the quality of the environment." AR 200-2, paragraph 1-1,
paragraph 3-3, defines the categories and associated
states (DA) policy and "establishes procedures for the
requirements (or exemptions). However, even if an EIS
is not required, an Environmental Assessment (EA) may
planning and decision-making in accordance with 42
be needed (AR 200-2, para 5-1). Actions typically
USC 4321 et. seq., the 'National Environmental Policy
requiring an EA include changes to established
Act of 1969' (NEPA)."
installation land use which may be expected to have
b. Management programs for both hazardous
some impact on the environment, and generation of
materials and hazardous wastes are described in
hazardous or toxic materials (AR 200-2, para 5-3).
chapters 5 and 6 of AR 200-1. Procedures to implement
d. AR 200-2, paragraph 3-5, states that these
the management programs are tied to the requirements
environmental assessment documents "should be
of the primary hazardous waste/hazardous material
forwarded to the planners, designers, and/or
regulations: NEPA, RCRA, The Clean Water Act, The
Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act of
. may be carried out." Prior to the start up of any
1932, and the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.
construction work, the designer (through the installation)
AR 200-1, paragraph 6-3, increases the range of
must ensure that required EA's and EIS's have been
regulatory compliance by emphasizing DA's policy on
completed and project go-ahead has been finalized.