TM 5-623
c. Uses. The report is used to find what past work
for selected pavements. The PCI report lists the
sections in order of increasing PCI. The PCIA report
has been performed on a pavement section, and to
lists the sections in alphabetical order.
determine the past cost invested in repair of a pavement
b. Contents. The report identifies each pavement
section and provides section location, section number,
PCI value, date of last inspection, surface type, section
D-11. Report title: POLICY
area, and pavement rank.
a. Description.
This report provides lists of
c. Uses. The report is used to identify pavement
maintenance policy proposed for all sections, including
sections in a given PCI range; to determine priorities of
estimated unit costs for work proposed, material to be
maintenance and repair; to develop annual and long
used, distress and repair types, distress severity, and
range work plan.
total estimated cost of repair.
b. Contents. The report contains distress type,
D-8. Report title: PCI DISTRIBUTION
severity, repair type, material used, unit costs, and total
a. Description. The report provides the user with a
cost of repair.
c. Uses.
The report is used to schedule
frequency diagram of the PCIs for specific branch uses,
pavement rank, and surface type. A listing of the
maintenance and repair work; to develop annual and
sections is also available. The distribution can be of the
long range work plans; and to estimate budget
current year or any year in the future. If future years are
selected the PCI is predicted by straight line
D-12. Report title: WORKREQ
are performed.
a. Description.
This report provides lists
b. Contents. The report contains branch use(s),
identifying maintenance and repair requirements for
pavement rank(s), and surface type(s) PCI prediction
specified sections.
Included are time and cost
year and PCI range.
estimates, and priority for the work required.
c. Uses. The report is used to justify budget
b. Contents. The report contains type of work
Report presents distribution of PCI of
proposed and distress to be repaired, quantity of work,
pavement sections selected; the change of this
estimated labor and material costs, material to be used,
distribution over a period of time, assuming no overlays
estimated total cost, priority, fiscal year for work
or reconstruction can be seen by selecting the year(s)
proposed, and whether work has been financed.
into the future desired.
c. Uses. The report is used to keep inventory of
work proposed and completed; to develop estimates for
financing future work; and to develop annual work plans,
a. Description. The report provides the condition
and long range work plans.
history for a specific pavement section. It plots the PCI-
time curve. The PCI is projected 5 years into the future
D-13. Report title: BUDGET
beyond the last inspection date.
a. Description. This report provides the user with a
b. Contents.
The report contains the branch
10-year projected budget level for any combination of
name, pavement rank, section number, section area,
branch use, pavement rank, and surface type selected.
and PCI-time plot.
The budget level is projected based on an average cost
of repair for the surface type (i.e., AC or PCC). The
of a repair project for a specific pavement section.
year to repair is determined by projecting the minimum
PCI level specified by the user.
D-10. Report title: WORKHIS
b. Contents. The report contains branch use,
a. Description. This report provides a record of
surface type, pavement rank, and cost of repair for each
fiscal year (10 years from present). A listing of sections
past maintenance and repair performance on any
projected to be repaired each year can also be obtained.
pavement section.
c. Uses. The report is used to provide an estimate
b. Contents. The report contains a list of work
of the budget level necessary to maintain the pavement
completed with description, manner of accomplishment
system above an acceptable minimum condition, based
of that work, material code for the material used, date
on an average cost.
work was completed, in place unit cost and total repair