Pavement Maintenence Management - indexChapter 1. Introduction - ufc_3_270_080008Chapter 2. Pavement Network Identification Table 2-1. Branch Codes.Figure 2-2. Sections Identified On an Installation Map.Figure 2-3. Installation Map Showing Various Methods of Identifying Parking Area BranchesFigure 2-4. Large parking area divided into several sections.Chapter 3. Pavement Condition Survey and Rating Procedures Remarks.Figure 3-2. An example of a completed DA Form 5145-R, Concrete Pavement Inspection Sheet.Figure 3-3. An example of a completed DA Form 5146-R, Asphalt Pavement Inspection Sheet. Selection of samples.Figure 3-5. Example selection of sample units to be surveyed.Figure 3-6. Steps for calculating PCI for a sample unit.Example calculation of the PCI for a sample unit.Determination of distress quantities for a pavement section.Chapter 4. Maintenance And Repair GuidelinessSection Evaluation SummaryFigure 4-2. Procedure to determine critical minimum sample unit PCI based on mean PCI of section.Figure 4-3. Determination Of Long-Term Rate of Deterioration for Asphalt Concrete (AC) pavements Figure 4-4. Determination Of Long-Term Deterioration for Asphalt (AC) Overlay over AC PavementsFigure 4-5. Determination of Long-term of Determination For Portland Cement Conrete (PCC) Pavements )Figure 4-6. Determination Of Long -term Rate of Deterioration For Asphalt Concrete (AC) Overlay Over Portland Cement .Figure 4-7. PCI Us Age Illustrating High Short - Term Rate Deterioration Table 4-1. General Classification of Asphalt Distress Types by Possible CausesTable 4-3. Design Index for Flexible Pavements for RoadsPrevious maintenance.Determination of feasible M&R alternativesFigure 4-9. Process of determining M&R needs.Table 4-4. Asphalt Concrete Pavement Distress Types and M&R Alternatives.Table 4-5. Jointed Concrete Pavement Distress Types and M&R Alternatives.Table 4-6. Types of Overall Repair for Jointed Concrete and Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements.Major M&R. Chapter 5. Procedure for Performing EconomicComputationsFigure 5-1. An example of a completed DA Form 5148-R, Present Worth Computation Form.Chapter 6. Data Management - Manual Paver System Figure 6-1. An example of a completed DA Form 5149-R, Branch Identification Summary.Figure 6-2. An example of a completed DA Form 515-R, Section Identification Record.Form 5151-R, Section Pavement Structure RecordFigure 6-3. An example of a completed DA Form 5151-R, Section Pavement Structure Record.Table 6-1. Material CodesFigure 6-4. An example of a completed DA Form 5152-R, Section Materials Properties Record.Table 6-2. Typical Layer Materials PropertiesDA Form 5154-R, Section Condition Record.Figure 6-5. An example of a completed DA Form 5153-R, Section Traffic Record.Figure 6-6. An example of a completed DA Form 5154-R, Section Condition Record.Manual record keeping system-generalFigure 6-7. An example of a completed DA Form 5155-R, Branch Maintenance and Repair Requirements.Figure 6-8. An example of a completed DA Form 5156-R, Section Maintenance & Repair Record.Figure 6-9. Example of a filing sequence for a manual record keeping system.Chapter 7. Data Management- Computerized Paver System Figure 7-1. Example of inspection report.Figure 7-2. Example of pavement ranking in an increasing order of PCI.Figure 7-3. Example of M&R requirements report.Figure 7-4. Example of economic analysis report. System use and updateAppendix B. Distress Identification Guide Alphabetical Listing Of Distress Types- Asphalt - Surfaced Pavement Figure B-1. Low-severity alligator cracking.Figure B-6. High-severity alligator cracking.Figure B-10. High-severity bleeding.Figure B-11. Low-severity block cracking.Figure B-16. Medium-severity bumps and sags.Figure B-18. Medium-severity bumps and sags.Figure B-21. Medium-severity corrugation.Figure B-25. Medium-severity depression.Figure B-29. High-severity edge cracking.Figure B-32. Medium-severity joint reflection cracking.Figure B-33. High-severity joint reflection cracking.Figure B-34. Low-severity lane/shoulder drop off.Figure B-38. Low-severity longitudinal and transverse crackingFigure B-42. Low-severity patching and utility cut patchingFigure B-47. Polished aggregate.Figure B-48. Low-severity pothole.Figure B-52. High-severity pothole.Figure B-58. Medium-severity rutting.Figure B-60. Low-severity shoving.Figure B-64. Medium-severity slippage cracking.Figure B-67. Low-severity weathering and raveling.Figure B-71. High-severity weathering and raveling.Figure B-73. Medium-severity blow-up/buckling.Figure B-76. Low-severity corner break.Figure B-79. High-severity corner break.Figure B-84. High-severity divided slab.Figure B-87. Medium-severity durability cracking.Figure B-88. High-severity durability cracking.Figure B-92. Medium-severity faulting.Figure B-96. High-severity joint seal damage.Figure B-98. Low-severity lane/shoulder drop off.Figure B-100. High-severity lane/shoulder drop off.Figure B-103. Medium-severity linear cracking in a reinforced concrete slab.Figure B-105. High-severity linear cracking in a nonreinforced concrete slab.Figure B-106. High-severity linear cracking in a nonreinforced concrete slab.Figure B-109. Medium-severity patching, large.Figure B-110. Medium-severity patching, large.Figure B-113. Low-severity patching, small.Figure B-116. Polished aggregate.Figure B-118. Pumping.Figure B-120. Low-severity punchout.Figure B-126. Low-severity scaling/map cracking/crazing.Figure B-131. Shrinkage cracks.Figure B-132. Low-severity spalling, corner.Figure B-135. High-severity spalling, corner.Figure B-136. Low-severity spalling, joint.Appendix C. Deduct Value Curves Asphalt Surfaced Jointed Concrete Pavement Figure C-1. Deduct value curves for alligator cracking.Figure C-2. Deduct value curves for bleeding.Figure C-3. Deduct value curves for block cracking.Figure C-4. Deduct value curves for bumps and sags.Figure C-5. Deduct value curves for corrugation.Figure C-6. Deduct value curves for depression.Figure C-7. Deduct value curves for edge cracking.Figure C-8. Deduct value curves for joint reflection cracking.Figure C-9. Deduct value curves for lane/shoulder drop offFigure C-10. Educt Value Curves for Longitudinal And Transverse Crackling Figure C-11. Deduct Value Curves For to Patching and Utility Cut PatchingFigure C-12. Debuct Value Curves for Polished Aggregate Figure C-13. Debuct Value Curves for PatholesFigure C-14. Deduct Valued Curves for Railroad Crossing Figure C-15. Deduct value curves for rutting.Figure C-16. Deduct value curves for shoving.Figure C-17. Deduct value curves for slippage.Figure C-18. Deduct value curves for swell.Figure C-19. Deduct value curves for weathering and raveling.Figure C-20. Corrected deduct value curves for asphalt-surfaced pavements.Figure C-21. Deduct value curves for blow-ups.Figure C-22. Deduct value curves for corner break.Figure C-23. Deduct value curves for divided slab.Figure C-24. Deduct value curves for durability ("D") cracking.Figure C-25. Deduct value curves for faulting.Figure C-26. Deduct values for joint seal damage.Figure C-27. Deduct value curves for lanel Shoulder drop off Figure C-28. Deduct value curves for linear cracking.Figure C-29. Deduct value curves for patching large and utility cuts.Figure C-30. Deduct value curves for patching small.Figure C-31. Deduct value curve for polished aggregate.Figure C-32. Deduct value curves for popouts.Figure C-33. Deduct value curve for pumping.Figure C-34. Deduct value curves for punchouts.Figure C-35. Deduct value curves for railroad crossing.Figure C-36. Deduct value curves for scaling/map cracking/crazing.Figure C-37. Deduct value curve for shrinkage cracks.Figure C-38. Deduct value curves for spalling, corner.Figure C-39. Deduct value curves for spalling, joint.Figure C-40. Corrected deduct value curves for jointed concrete pavements.Appendix D. Auotomated Paver Reports Description And UseReport : PCI Distribution Appendix E: Blank Summary And Record Forms Concrete Pavement Inspection SheetAsphalt Pavement Inspection Sheet Section Evaluation Summary Present Worth Computation Branch Identification Summary Branch Identification Summary Continuation sheet Section Identification Record Section Pavement Structure Record Section Materials Properties RecordSection Traffic RecordSection Condition RecordBranch Maintenance & Repair RequirementsSection Maintenance And Repair RecordPavement Maintenance