TM 5-623
drainage information; or traffic or layer material property
D-1. Report title: LIST
information; or a work history for the pavement.
a. Description. The LIST report is a printout of the
c. Uses. The report is used to obtain information
names and numbers for the branches of the pavement
needed for scheduling and planning major work efforts
network in alphabetical order by branch name.
or whenever specific information about all sections of a
b. Contents. The report contains branch numbers,
facility is needed.
branch names, and number of sections for each branch.
c. Uses. The report is used to determine what
D-5. Report title: INSPECT
branch number has been assigned to a particular street,
a. Description.
The report contains section
and the number of sections for any branch.
identification, PCI value, inspection date, distress type,
severity, and quantity for the entire section.
D-2. Report title: INV
b. Contents.
The report contains section
a. Description. This report provides an inventory
identification, PCI value, inspection date, distress type,
of pavement sections for a given network.
severity, and quantity for the entire section.
b. Contents. The report identifies each section
c. Uses.
The report is used to determine
and provides section location, surface type, branch use,
pavement condition and distress types, severities, and
pavement rank, area and total branch area.
quantities for a given pavement section(s) and/or to
c. Uses. The report is used to obtain general
determine history of pavement condition for the
information about a section, including the beginning and
pavement in order to perform a desk estimate of needed
ending points and total area for a given branch.
maintenance and repair costs for a given pavement.
D-3. Report title: RECORD (Format 1)
D-6. Report title: SAMPLE
a. Description.
a. Description.
This report is used to obtain
comprehensive information about a selected pavement
inspection results for each section detailed by sample
b. Contents.
The report contains section
b. Contents. The report contains sample unit
number, sample type, distress type, severity, quantity,
density-percent, sample size, sample PCI, and overall
structure identification, work history, pavement
PCI and distress for the pavement section.
structure, layer material properties, results of surveys,
c. Uses. The report is used to determine where a
and proposed future work for the pavement section.
distress type exists in a pavement section; to monitor
c. Uses. The report is used to obtain detailed
change in condition for a given sample unit; and to
information necessary when considering repair work to
identify variation in condition within a given pavement
be performed in the section.
D-4. Report title: RECORD (Format 2)
D-7. Report title: PCI & PCIA
a. Description.
This report provides specific
a. Description.
This report provides a list of
information about a number of pavement sections, such
sections and PCI values based on last inspection results
as structural drainage, or shoulder information.
b. Contents. The report may contain, depending
on the record selected, full section identification and
dimensions with pavement structural information; or