TM 5-623
Figure B-106. High-severity linear cracking in a nonreinforced concrete slab.
Hairline cracks that are only a few feet long and do not extend across the entire
slab are counted as shrinkage cracks.
Severity Levels:
Nonreinforced Slabs: L-Nonfilled* cracks less than or equal to Y inch or filled
cracks of any width with the filler in satisfactory condition. No faulting exists.
M-One of the following conditions exists:
1. Nonfilled crack with a width between Y and 2 inches.
2. Nonfilled crack of any width up to 2 inches with faulting of less than X inches.
3. Filled crack of any width with faulting less than % inch.
H-One of the following conditions exists:
1. Nonfilled crack with a width greater than 2 inches.
2. Filled or nonfilled crack of any width with faulting greater than % inch.
Reinforced Slabs.
L-Nonfilled cracks with a width of Y8 to 1 inch; filled crack of any width with the
filler in satisfactory condition. No faulting exists.
M-One of the following conditions exist:
1. Nonfilled cracks with a width between 1 and 3 inches and no faulting.
2. Nonfilled crack of any width up to 3 inches with up to v8 inch of faulting.
3. Filled crack of any width with faulting less than % inch.
H-One of the following conditions exists:
1. Nonfilled crack with width over 3 inches.
2. Filled or nonfilled crack of any width with faulting over % inch.
*Filed cracks where filler is unsatisfactory are treated as nonfilled.